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Erotom BDSM
If you can't already tell, I love watching porn. It's pretty much all I do. It's my hobby, my job, my passion, and my calling all wrapped up into one. That's why I don't take a day off. Why would I? I'd just spend it like I spend every day.
But porn videos aren't the only way I get my rocks off. When you masturbate as often as I do, you have to mix it up. There is so much smut out there, and I do my best to enjoy all of it. Nothing is off the table.
That includes the written word. Unlike many of my readers, I'm blessed with the ability to read well. Don't throw too much praise at me, though. If it weren't for porn, I would have never learned. Not only did I want to read erotic literature, but I wanted to share my passion for porn with other people. The best way I saw to do that was by writing about it. So, despite the fact I would have rathered spent all of my time jerking off, I carved out some time each day to work on my literacy. You better be happy I did. It was a sacrifice I made for you dumb fucks.
Many of my readers are barely literate enough to read the articles I write. That's why you don't catch me using big fancy words like intercourse. However, there are an elite few among you that can read quite well. At least as well as a middle school kid with a severe learning disability. I'd say that's pretty fucking good, considering your competition.
It's for you GED holders out there that I write this article because it's about an erotic literature site. I know I just lost a solid eighty percent of you there. That's alright. Now I'm speaking only to the most intelligent Porndude readers. You guys are my equivalent of college grads.
Don't pat yourselves on the back too hard. It's not like Shakespear is writing these erotic stories, so it doesn't take a genius to follow the plot. There aren't any erotic literature authors winning a Pulitzer prize anytime soon.
Boner books used to be relegated to Airport book stores and shady gas stations. That's back when you had to call them "romantic novels," but there was rarely anything romantic about them. Instead, they were fuck fests that often included centaurs and elves for some reason.
These days the internet is the official home of dirty writing, and plain-old people like you and me have replaced fantasy characters. It's a different world out there, and we are all the better for it.
There is no lack of websites to get your fill of erotic literature on, but most are fucking garbage. They look like they were designed for Windows 95 and are packed with filler dribble that not even my most mentally disabled readers want to waste their time on.
That's why I frequent Erotom. They built a fantastic website loaded with tons of entertaining content that will keep you stroking for hours. Considering they host nearly sixty thousand stories, I think that it's safe to say you will never run out of shit to keep your erection going.
From Bottom to Top
Started in 1998, it's no surprise that Erotom has such an extensive library. It was initially built as a catalog of erotic stories, but for the last ten years, it has been the largest thematic resource in all of Russia. It boasts elements of a social media site and calls upon the skills of thousands of authors.
Erotom posts new stories every single day of the week and adds the best of the best to the main page. They are able to update so often because they accept entries from any and everyone. Many long-time readers eventually make the jump to writing their own content, and Erotom gives them the perfect platform to get their writing out to the masses.
Every story has a comments section allowing authors to receive real-time feedback. There is no better way to hone your craft than receiving constructive criticism from horny readers.
Because there is so much content on Erotom, they have tediously sorted everything into categories. This allowed them to build a convinient and intuitive search mechanism readers use to quickly dig through the pile and find the content that best suits their needs. You'll be happy to know that some authors furnish their stories with pictures to help your imagination create the scene. If only all erotic literature sites did that.
Erotom isn't looking to retire off of the website as this is not a commercial endeavor. However, to help inspire the creativity of their best authors, they do hold a monthly contest. Winners can receive cash prizes and other valuable gifts. Erotom might not be retiring, but you could.
And like I said, these aren't bullshit stories. Over five hundred thousand comments have been made over the years. That means readers keep coming back again and again, and they love the content enough to talk about it. Most erotic literature sites allow for comments, but few have so many. That's because most fucking suck.
The web design on Erotom is minimalistic. While it doesn't look fresh out of Windows 95, it doesn't look particularly modern either. However, considering that it only hosts a bunch of text, the place doesn't need to break new design ground.
The main menu resides up top and includes the options Stories, Sex articles, Add story, and About us. The sex article section is a link to a sister site. If you end up enjoying the main site, you'll love the articles here. Check it out after you bust a nut. You just might learn a thing or two.
Running down the left side of the site is an expansive category list that includes shit like Fiction, Fantasy, Dark fantasy, Teen, First time, Gay, Beastiality, Oral sex, and Group sex. For this article, we will be focusing on the BDSM stories, of which there are over five thousand.
Every section of Erotom is well-populated, but I think the BDSM category represents the best of what these guys have to offer. There is something about BDSM authors that gives them a little extra zing. They love to include details that other less extreme authors seem to leave out. Dom and subs have such an attention to detail. It makes sense when you realize how dangerous that world can get if you don't know what the fuck you're doing.
Along the center of the page is a fat stack of content. Stories here can be organized by date added, rating, number of views, or number of comments.
Each story thumbnail is displayed with a title, chapter or part number, list of categories it fits, date it was published, author, number of views, and current rating out of ten. It also includes the first few sentences of the story.
When you find a story that interests you click on the title to open up the content. If there are any other chapters to the story, they will be linked at the top. For those of my readers with poor vision, there is a font size selector on the right side.
BBC for a Redneck Housewife
Let's take a look at one of my favorite stories here on Erotom. Authored by Straponsissy, "Wife Owned by BBC" is a newer entry that immediately grabbed my attention. It is about the journey of a woman named Barbra from everyday housewife to complete slut.
Barb is white and has a white husband. Having grown up in a conservative community, she only ever had sex with her husband, and she never expected that to change. That is until one day, her husband Dean asked her to attend a sex party.
At first, she was horrified by the prospect but being submissive, she eventually relented. Before long, she actually fell in love with it. Dean, however, wasn't yet satisfied. He wanted to see his wife get hammered by a black man.
Racial mixing was frowned upon by Barb's conservative community, so she was hesitant at first. But, once again, Dean was persuasive, and before long, Barb found herself staring down a fat black cock. I don't want to ruin the end, so I'll let you finish the story from there.
It should be clear now why Erotom is one of my favorite BDSM erotic literature sites on the internet. They have a massive selection of depraved stories, the site is well organized, and the patronage is passionate. You don't get much better than this.
The only suggestion I would give these guys is to spruce the design up a bit. It wouldn't take too much effort to get the place up to date.
All of my fans that can read above a fifth-grade level won't be able to tear themselves away from Erotom.
Massive selection
Daily additions
Lack of ads
Aged Aesthetic
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