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Bondage Mix
Sex is freeing. To be completely lost in an activity is about as free as humans get. Sometimes this is referred to as a flow state. It's challenging to attain and even harder to maintain. It can most often be seen in athletes and artists.
But regular joes can experience it also, and the easiest way to do that is with sex. My mind rarely wanders when I'm balls deep, but that's not to say it never does. Sometimes I have to distract myself purposefully so I don't bust a load too early.
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But no matter how distracted you may be, once the orgasm hits, all is lost. It's one of the purest flow states that can be attained. The universe could cease, the sun could explode, and meteors could fall from the sky. Wars could break out, nukes could go off, and the Earth could quake. Jesus, Allah, and Budda could all come back riding unicorns while Santa blows sasquatch, and not one of us would be concerned. For those ten seconds, nothing else matters.
Fetishes often look to extend that time period, and the most efficient fetish at doing so is BDSM. The combination of pain and pleasure is so potent that it carries people away. You'll forget how much time has passed, where you are, and who you're with.
That's one of the reasons BDSM is the most popular fetish despite it seeming extreme to outsiders. It can put a person beyond themselves and into a realm where only pleasure exists. I sound like a Cenobyte right now.
My readers don't have access to BDSM experiences, so you must rely on the world of porn to provide you with what your body needs. To do the trick, BDSM porn must be visceral. It needs to put you in the driver's seat, so you can feel like you're really there.
That's exactly what the porn on BondageMix does. This shit isn't your grandma's porn website. Shit goes on here that would give your Grandma post-traumatic stress syndrome.
Bondage Mix looks like the New York Times meets the Necromonicon. Content is displayed in an article format that provides you with both the content and plenty of information about it. As I'm sure you know, if you read enough of my articles, I'm not a fan of bright white backgrounds, and that's what we get on Bondage Mix. However, the site makes up for it in other ways.
The main menu hangs out up top and includes the options Bondage and BDSM, Latex and bondage, Female domination, and Search. Down the right side is a list of the top bondage movies on Bondage Mix. Finally, down the center page is row after row of superb BDSM content.
Before you get too far ahead of yourself, I must let you know that this is a paid premium BDSM site. Unfortunately, you don't get to see this level of carnage for free. If you want free, watch some of the pussy BDSM porn on your favorite tube site. If you want the real shit, break out your wallet and come to Bondage Mix.
Considering the level of production and what these girls have to go through, I was surprised to find such low prices here. There are five billing options I will cover, from most to least expensive.
The most expensive is a fifteen-day membership for twelve bucks. Not many sites have a fifteen-day option, and they should. It's a great way to reel in guys that are looking for porn this minute and turn them into repeat customers.
Next is a thirty-day membership for seventeen dollars. Already that's a steep discount compared to fifteen days. A ninety-day subscription will cost you thirty-seven bucks, and now the cents are melting off the price.
A half a year will set you back only sixty-six bucks. Finally, the cheapest option is a year membership at the low price of one hundred and sixteen dollars. No matter which you choose, I guarantee you will be happy you did it. Your balls will have never been so empty.
Brutal Beatings and Bulbous Boners
Bondage Mix has some of my favorite content I've ever discovered on a BDSM site, so let's get right into it, starting with "Branks and Stocks Slave Jess." If you don't know what branks are now, you certainly will after watching this video.
Slave jess was thrown to the wolves in the Sensual Pain Dungeon by her Master so that she could be adequately tested by a professional. He wanted to know precisely what his slave was capable of. In the dungeon, she will endure tests of "strength, endurance, will, tolerance, honor, submission, and pain." You can consider it the ultimate slave gauntlet.
To kick things off, Master James brings Slave Jess to her knees and restrains her limbs with heavy stocks on both her wrists and neck. She looks like a medieval peasant being punished by the catholic church for prostitution.
Slave Jess has been at the beck and call of her Master for many years now. As such, she is considered an alpha slave. The title comes with expectations. Only confident perfection will impress Master James.
Despite her elevated position amongst slaves, Jess still tends to act up from time to time, especially when it comes to running her mouth. Because of this, Master James has recreated an old piece of torture equipment called the branks.
In feudal England, the Branks were used on women prone to gossip and "riotous speech." Back in those days, the punishment fit the crime, so this device restricted speech. It looked like an iron muzzle, except it included a bridal that pushed the tongue toward the bottom of the mouth. If the offenses were particularly egregious, a blade or spike would be added to pierce the tongue if the prisoner attempted to speak.
In this case, Master James needed Slave Jess to answer his questions, so he left the bridal out. He didn't need it. If the slave dared to speak up, she would be beaten to a pulp.
To be honest, whether this bitch spoke up or not, she was going to get the shit beat out of her. Once the brank was secured in place, it was time to break out the cane. Oddly enough, Master James starts with her palms. Only the most talented Masters would know to do that. The palms contain one of the body's densest concentrations of nerve endings. Even light rasps could cause pain to shoot up the arms.
As he whips her palms, he demands Jess stick out her tongue. He makes like he is going to pull it off but instead sticks to poking and prodding all around her face. Once the pain settles in, he slaps and punches her Branks. Because it's around her head, the sound is deafening and causes overstimulation of her senses. This is when the tears start to pour. She better save some of those tears for later because she is going to need them.
When I saw that "Slaves Creed After Two Day Torment" is presented out of sequence, I knew I had to watch it. It's not often that you get to see the results of a severe BDSM session before seeing what took place to get a bitch looking like that.
It has been a while since Abigail was pushed to her outer limits, so what better time than now? This isn't going to be any old dungeon visit. This is going to be a forty-eight-hour pain fest with absolutely no relief.
Abigail will spend almost the entire two days locked in her cage, being tortured by every means available. Her rigorous schedule includes "deprivation, confinement, pain, mental anguish, captivity, predicament bondage, abandonment, and overall discomfort." During typical BDSM sessions, these tortures would be broken up with breaks of pleasure, but not this time. There will be no relief, no orgasms, and no rest.
This shit is no joke. It's not movie magic. This bitch didn't go home and return to the studio the next day. The abrasions you see on her body aren't makeup. This is as real as BDSM porn can ever get.
If you're getting tired of the same old BDSM porn, it's time to upgrade to Bondage Mix. This shit will give you nightmares and wet dreams simultaneously. Post-nut clarity? You're going to need post-nut therapy.
One thing that Bondage Mix is sorely missing is a tag listing. So much happens in each video on Bondage Mix that it should be cataloged for the search engine.
Bondage Mix doesn't fuck around. If you think you're man enough to jerk off to a woman on the brink of insanity, then this is the place for you.
Extreme content
One hundred percent real
Rugged bitches
No-tag list
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