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Scrolller Bondage
I know Scrolller doesn’t technically have genre categories or whatever, but I’m doing the best I can in order to provide you a singular link for all your bondage fapping needs. I also did my best to exclude cocks from the results, but there’s no guarantee. At the very least, you can rest assured that more than 99% of the content on here features babes in one form or another. It’s great stuff. As you should already be aware, the whole point of Scrolller is that you can scroll, infinitely. I mean, you could theoretically run out of smut if you scroll at the speed of light for several years, non-stop, but doing that just to prove a point seems kind of petty. Bottom line – there’s more smut here than any single person could possibly consume.
I’m just going to call this the bondage section, for simplicity. Scrolller has content coming in from all-over the place with the majority of the smut being posted by the people that are in it. Most of the content is in image form, but videos are very much welcome, though they’re often kept pretty damn short. This works well for the bondage fetish, since you get to see the best parts of the video. It’s also a great way to fap. Most of you are one pump chumps anyways, so what the fuck would you need a 30-minute adventure for? Be honest with yourselves. You could rub one out during a sneeze if you had to. To that end, the bondage smut on Scrolller is fantastic for you. You could use it whenever you need a quick fap. The prerequisite being, of course, that you give a shit about bondage. Whether it contains ropes, chains or gags, it’s going to be found here on Scrolller’s bondage section.
The Beauty of Amateur Content
It might seem a bit counter intuitive, but amateur fetish smut is usually much more devoted than professional porn. Professional productions are made by committee. There’s a director, a cameraman and a whole studio behind the work that includes a marketing team whose job it is to figure out what the public wants to see. Conversely, when you’re looking at amateur fetish smut, you’re seeing the actual passion enacted by the very people who pioneered the action to begin with. In other words, if you’re a bondage fetishist, then only other bondage fetishists can truly understand how you feel.
Luckily, Scrolller is absolutely busted with amateur content featuring varying degrees of bondage from extreme to downright deplorable. It’s all consensual and properly done, mind you. I’m not seeing any using zip ties.
For the love of all that is holy, please do not use zip ties in your bondage play.
They’re not meant for that. You might lose a fucking appendage. Learn about the fetish properly before you indulge. Read a book. Look up a guide. Buy your bondage tools from sex stores, not Home Depot. Anyways, let’s get back to Scrolller’s bondage section before I start dishing out PSAs.
A Variable Spread
Is that headline too technical? Fuck it. I can’t be assed to go back and change it. As is the case with many similar dumping grounds, Scrolller’s bondage is all-over the place in just about every characteristic. There’s a common thread holding it all together, of course. – The bondage. But, beyond that, you never really know what you’re going to get. Some of the smut is ancient as you can tell by the resolution and overall camera quality. Some of it might have come out yesterday. You have no definitive way of knowing, but the variance is very much clear as day. This place isn’t exactly sorted. It’s about as random as random can be. And, since it’s pulling in content based on bondage tags, you can’t sort it yourself either. What you see is what you get. If you don’t like what you see, you scroll down and hope to hit the mark down the line.
This makes the fapping experience simple, but runs the risk of pissing you off if you’re a particularly whiny bitch of a man who insists on seeing something specific, rather than enjoying the surprise. Look, what do you want me to say? If you want specific types of smut and more layers of control, then get off Scrolller. This place was invented for men who enjoy surprises in large quantities. Hell, the best way to fap across this bondage section and anywhere else on Scrolller for that matter is to click your middle mouse button anywhere on screen, then move the mouse down an inch and leave it there. It’s basic Windows functionality. The page will auto-scroll downward giving you enough time to enjoy the images as they pass by. You can set the scrolling speed by moving the mouse a certain distance and you can also stop the whole thing and dive into a larger version of a picture you’re particularly infatuated with, if you want to. The world is your oyster, so feel free to fap any way you like.
Sampling the Bondage World
Even though amateur posts are the main focus of Scrolller’s bondage section, there’s more than enough professional smut to go around. Some of it is posted by the studios themselves, the rest is put on here by random fans who want to spread the good word of bondage. Either way, you only see the best of the best, extracted for your pleasure and slapped here at random. There are high resolution images here that showcase the best parts of hardcore bondage videos, from the best angles. I’m talking close-ups of women’s faces as they’re being whipped, gagged and otherwise demoralized for sexual pleasure. It’s great stuff.
There’s also an abundance of bondage tools like nipple clamps, hooks, ropes, chains and all kinds of machines that I’ve honestly never seen before. The more professional videos and images also often use mounts in various angles. They have the women chained up in positions where it’s easy to insert a cock into their pussies or more commonly their mouths. The girls can’t push back; they can just choke on the cock. It’s important at this point to remind you that this is all consensual. They signed up for this and they are indeed getting paid. They are professionals, after all.
A Bit Much?
The following observation is personal and subjective. I am not a bondage expert, nor have I dabbled in BDSM enough to know what the fuck is going on in these images, so take that with a grain of salt. I’m sure that for a lot of you, this content is vanilla, since you’re used to seeing it frequently. For me, most of this smut is actually kind of surprising, especially the parts where I personally find the porn actresses have gone a bit too far.
There’s an abundance of photography on here that features giant female breasts that have been tied firmly by ropes and squeezed until they’re basically ready to atrophy and fall off. I’m no doctor, but I can’t say that this shit looks safe. Maybe it is. Maybe tits were made to be stretched out and pressed in-between wooden planks. What the fuck do I know? I mean, some of these babes straight up insert needles into their tits like they’re pin cushions. I don’t know what to make of this. I just know that there are tons of folks out there who are dying to find this kind of content. So, to all of you I say, here it is, fap away.
Damn Worth Your Time
All of the content on Scrolller is completely free, naturally. You’re free to save both the images and the videos on here and you can keep them on your computer for further viewing. The content isn’t going to expire on you, either, with regular additions to the library coming in damn near every hour. This content is being posted by tens if not hundreds of thousands of people from all over the web, so it’s no wonder the library just keeps growing.
I’d recommend that if you’re a bondage lover, you should bookmark this place and keep coming back to it for more. The small number of videos as opposed to images might turn you off a bit, but bear with it. I believe that it’s worth it. Scrolller have done a fantastic job at bringing you top notch content for free. They rival premium sites with the quality that they provide. It’s insane.
Extremely depraved
Infinitely scrollable
Could use more videos
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