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Hentai Cosplays

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Can you think of anything better than sitting down and enjoying hentai and nude Japanese cosplay? Yeah, I thought not. Hentai-Cosplays is like a hub of both of these popular genres. People outside of Japan love hentai and their naughty Japanese girls. Myself included. It makes sense to give them something like a marriage with this website. There are a lot of high points when it comes to Hentai-Cosplay and, not low points, but areas they should improve on.

I will say, however, Hentai-Cosplay stands so high on the pyramid because of their high-quality photos by these cosplayers. Beautifully shot photos that you can pop-out and even save if you'd like. Come on, I know you're trying to build that porn folder on your phone, don't play with me.

Design - Very Basic but it's fine

Hentai-Cosplays has a very basic design on both mobile and desktop. It's extremely barebones but you're not really here for the fancy code some guy has done on a computer to make it look fancy. You're on Hentai-Cosplays for the beautiful Japanese girls cosplaying as different characters or some hentai images.

The website is also pretty ad heavy - just as a warning. On mobile, I think it's much more annoying. Some ads will pop out and you'll have to then find that window, close it, and get to the image you want to see. But closing that ad window will, at times, close your way of getting back to the main Hentai-Cosplay website. It gets annoying to have to re-enter the URL to get back. On desktop, it's not too bad. You can easily close new tabs faster on a computer but it's still something to keep in mind.

On their main page, the titles of some of these sections aren't exactly clear. Like I mentioned, this site is all about Japanese girls and hentai so perhaps ther's a language barrier going on. But there's also an issue with them repeating themselves on this website. The top two sections are the same thing: new/recent cosplay images.

Then, you get something interesting which is where you can rank things. So, while some things repeat, you're able to at least clearly see things marked and sectioned out as you scroll down.

The way they've designed the image pages, where you go to view them, is okay. They'll give you a bunch to look at as you scroll down before you go through more pages of the cosplayer's work. Some images may take a little longer to load because they are very large and the quality is absolutely amazing. While they do give you the name of their cosplayer at the top and who they're cosplaying as, there's no set tag for that. Some sets don't even have the girl's name which is very disappointing.

Content - It's So Good

You can have such a field day on Hentai-Cosplays as I have for the past... I don't know how long. I cannot speak enough about how fantastic the quality of their photos is. They are amazing. These larger photos that you can even zoom in to see something closer and it keeps it's great quality? Hell yes, I'm staying here for a long time.

Hentai-Cosplays covers so much in terms of both the hentai they provide and their cosplayers. You'll find fantastically drawn hentai images of characters you may know. And you'll then switch over something more real, more 3D and find girls cosplaying as the hottest anime girls.

Hentai-Cosplays also provides video. There are probably more videos that aren't just straight porn (sex). These videos are mostly about the cosplayers they're featuring showing off their assets and being very sexy on video. These videos aren't too long either. They're bringing in their videos from social media like TikTok and some are videos that they've taken themselves.

What I also like about Hentai-Cosplays is another feature they have called "ranking." This is a section that shows some community input. You can see the community's interests change as they upvote or downvote a specific photo set.

There are tags on Hentai-Cosplays, however, they're not used properly. There is one set that I really liked but the title of the set was just what she was cosplaying as. No name, no nothing. It's kind of a shame that a site with so many beautiful girls like this can give tags to some but not to all? As they're posting these things you'd think tags would be on that list of things to do. I guess not.

Can't Get Much Better (The Positives)

It's hard to get myself to stop going through pages of these cosplayers Hentai-Cosplays has to offer. It's hard to not find these photo sets and click on them because the girl in the preview looks so fucking good. A lot of the outfits they're wearing are very, very well made. They don't look cheap or anything. They look as if they were tailored for these girls and fit them extremely well.

Then, you have that image quality I keep talking about. For a site that's all about images, you want nothing but the absolute best. There's nothing more annoying that finding some pictures you like and their quality is the worst kind. You can't even use it as a background or anything. Hentai-Cosplays at least delivers with the highest quality cosplay and hentai photos.

Their videos, on the other hand, can go either way. Some are really good and others are passable. As I also said before, a lot of the videos are from the cosplayer's Tik Tok. So, they're okay for what it's worth.

There's also an area on their main page where you can view images from Japanese pornstars. I was surprise that they could provide something like this. It's not bad. It's just that some images there aren't the best of quality and they're not really focused on the pornstar herself. Some pictures have a lot of text going on around her and it gets a little messy.

I also really enjoy their ranking system. I think ranks, whether it's based on views or user voting, is a good addition. It shows how active and engaged the community is with what's being put on a website.

Needs Some More Care (The Negatives)

Hentai-Cosplays has a lot of good shit going for them. Such high-quality photos and beautiful Japanese girls on deck to provide content. But they are dropping the ball when it comes to making sure users can navigate the website easily and quickly.

In the end, everything they produce is for the people using the website. And for a website to be great, it needs to be easy enough for anyone to use. For images, you need to be able to fall in love with one of these girls and be interested in everything else she offers on Hentai-Cosplays. You're not getting that. Some photo sets have tags on them but not all do. Some sets have titles with who she's cosplaying as and her name while others do not. They just have the outfit she's wearing.

That's the biggest problem of Hentai-Cosplays. The other, one that's a little more understanding, is the way they work their ads. I'm not a fan of things that pop out, change your window, and force you to go and close something. Their ads make sense but they should consider doing it a more tasteful way which would be to place them around the website only.

Give Proper Attention (My Suggestions)

My main suggestion would be to properly tag all photo sets on Hentai-Cosplays. There is no reason why some sets go with only what she's cosplaying as and no name recognition. You have these girls on your website, posing, being photographed, at least give them the recognition they deserve.

It sucks to see that they have tags and when I go through them, I see there are tags of women who have cosplayed. But then I find a host of others without any tags and without their name being there. Hentai-Cosplays should really crack down on this and provide their eager community with all the information they can about these beautiful women.

High-quality photos

Great looking cosplays

Not tagging and giving recognition to their girls


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