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Mitaku - a home for ero cosplay. That's what they tell you when you first step foot inside Mitaku. A literal website where you can find loads of photo sets featuring beautiful Japanese girls dressing up as characters from various forms of media. Some you may know and others maybe not so easily recognizable. Mitaku is okay for what it's worth, I'll say. The design of the site is not so great.
The amount of content they offer is good for what it is. Mitaku offers their visitors a good amount of naughty cosplayers, erotic outfits, and even some videos.
Design - Boring
Mitaku has this incredibly boring design. They've tried to mash this concept of featuring good-quality erotic cosplay photos into this standard-looking website. It just doesn't fit. Some sites, while they may be barebones in terms of design, function well as a site about photos should. The pictures are the highlight of the entire site you've built.
The main page of Mitaku is like that of any other blog you'd see. Except, this isn't supposed to be a blog. It's supposed to be a place where people can come and enjoy erotic cosplaying Japanese girls. So, why is it being treated like a daily news blog or a blog about someone's international travels?
Once we get into a photo sets specific page, it's even worse. For me, the photos should be the star of any website trying to talk about themselves as "featuring ero cosplay." Why are the preview windows for the photos so tiny? I'm missing the bulk of the photos while visiting a set's page. There are dots and arrows to let me know there are more to flip through. But just clicking on them keeps the preview window small on desktop. I'd have to click the photo first, to blow it up, and then go through them.
The website is damn-near unusable on mobile. If you're concerned about security, phones do not like Mitaku. So, that's already a negative point in my book for this website.
Content - Mitaku Sexy
Mitaku begins as this website that's all about erotic cosplaying. After all, it's in their name "ero cosplay." I'm expecting nothing but girls dressed up as naughty versions of characters I may know. Right from the site's main page, I'm getting hit with all of that. The cosplayers they have are making sexy, naughty versions of these characters to fit the NSFW, horny side of the world. What I can appreciate, at least, is that these preview images before clicking on them are attractive.
While I may not like that this website is a literal blog, I can at least be happy with some decent previews to make me want to click. Then, we get into their "sexy set." The Sexy Set page is a step away from their typical naughty cosplays (sort of). When you think of cosplay, you think of looking like that character. Erotic cosplays keep that important part of whoever they're portraying to can recognize them.
The sexy sets do away with that and are more erotic outfits. It could be some sexy-looking loungewear or a dress that's extremely revealing. That's more what their "sexy set" page deals with. Some sets have girls dressing up as these characters, sort of making it feel like a cosplay. But it's more than something on them like their hair or an item representing that character. They've kept that and done away with the outfit for a more casual or alternate theme.
And while there are a lot of Japanese girls on the site, you can find other women here, too.
The final piece of content they offer is called "Online Video." This page probably could do without being its own standalone page. The videos are all tied to a photo set anyway. These videos allow you to see how the model took her photos and looked sexy while being recorded. It's a step further from just looking at still photos. You can actually see her moving around, making "fuck me" faces, and everything. I enjoyed them.
The Right Quality (The Positives)
I think, for me, when a site can hit the mark on the content they provide, they're already in good standing. I can't overlook the obvious fucking flaws though. For this, Mitaku does a good job at bringing in that "ero cosplay" their tagline talks about.
Starting with their photos, both "ero cosplay" and "sexy sets," Mitaku has it nailed when it comes to quality. The photos are amazing. I just wish they had it in their heads to show them off better when I click on the page. When I came across these sets, the preview pictures had me hooked right from the jump. And it'll have you hooked immediately, too. It's impossible to not be interested when you see some of these pictures.
The girls look amazing. They really do. I want to see more. It's because of the quality that I have that urge to do so. But it's torn apart by the terribly designed page for these sets. They don't do these cosplayers justice.
The other part that I had the wrong idea about was their "sexy sets." I thought, after seeing some, that they were just calling the same thing a different name. Some girls do have props or look similar to some characters. But the "sexy sets" are more about girls looking sexy in different outfits. Some do resemble cosplaying, and that should be sorted out, but others are wearing different pieces of clothing. Some are in dresses, short crop tops, and very short shorts, and it's fantastic to look at.
You then have their videos which are very nice additions to their photo sets. It's like a quick behind-the-scenes look at how their photos came together as you watch their photo sessions.
No Love (The Negatives)
Sure you can have some good content but you need to let it all stand up on its own. You can't have people coming in and wondering why the site looks like an international trip blog. This isn't some online blog for people to say, "yeah, I've got a blog." Mitaku should be this site for erotic cosplay. It's not that yet from a design standpoint.
Mitaku has terrible site design all around. It's a curious issue that I'm surprised no one said anything about before when they were setting this all up. Who would want their site for erotic cosplay to look like this? No one.
The other issue, still with design, is the pages for the sets themselves. They have extremely tiny little preview windows when, I'm assuming, they should span the entire length of the page (up and down). These pictures are large because they are of such good quality. Show that off. Clicking on the arrows doesn't change anything. It's the same tiny window and I still can't see shit. Why do I need to click on it first?
Finally, the site has a terrible issue with ads. Every single click is a disgusting ad pop-up. I fucking hate it. Sure, I know, free sites need ads. Just keep them around the site. Make it feel a part of the design. Stop spamming me with ads. It doesn't want to make me click on anything. And, also, fix your site so phones can like it. Thanks.
Back to the Drawing Board (My Suggestions)
Mitaku needs to take its design back to the drawing board. Re-do the entire website from top to bottom. Make it look like a site that serves up high-quality erotic cosplaying girls. Make it look like a site that's all about photos and videos. It has none of those feelings right now. This goes for both the entire site and the pages for the photo sets.
Those pages should welcome you in with a glorious view of the photo set you're about to go through. Not some small ass preview window with arrows and dots. Let me see the photos. Let me enjoy the girls who've put in so much work and look fucking sexy.
The next thing would be to actually give a damn about mobile users. They do realize people are usually on their phones more than a computer, right? Phones don't trust the site. Fix it. Ad bombs on the site are a no-no, as well. Fix it.
Also... a comment section would be nice, too. Not the shitty one they have right now. Create a beautiful, functioning comment system where people can show these creators of Mitaku some proper love.
In Conclusion
Mitaku has it nailed when it comes to what they should be about: erotic cosplayers. Their photo quality is top-tier and the videos are a welcome bonus. They do drop the ball in some areas like design and terrible ad spam. Overall, if Mitaku could show some more care, some more finesse, they'll be a good spot.
High-Quality Photos
Good Videos
Unusable on Mobile
Terrible Site Design
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