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xHamster Diaper
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xHamster Diaper
I’ve been reviewing fetishes for as long as I can remember and still, I can’t get over the fact that people will fap to the most fucked up most random ass things imaginable. Why are you people like this? Were you not hugged as children? Or were you hugged a bit too much. No matter. I’m a slave to human desires. The humans desire, and I slave away writing reviews about said desires. Today we’re looking at adult diapers, both clean and soiled. Every diaper must be reviewed, as long as it’s on XHamster. This site is very much a natural fit for the diaper fetish, as it is appropriately a dumping ground. Where else would you look for disgusting porn if smack dab in the middle of a dumping ground?
XHamster has a certain reputation of being one of the great free porn tubes, but leaning towards a raunchier more random territory. The videos on here are all over the place. You never know what you’re going to get, but more often than not it’s going to be pretty fucking depraved. I’ve found some seriously out of left field shit on XHamster even when I wasn’t looking for anything in particular. The site’s home page is an absolute explosion of fucked up smut, so you can imagine how depraved the actual diaper section can be. Five minutes among the results on here is more than enough for you to figure out just how outstandingly disgusting the content beyond the first page is going to be. I think we’ve struck gold with this one. Like I said already, I don’t like diaper porn, but assuming that you do, you’re going to be very happy on XHamster, I’ll guarantee that much.
Shitting Your Pants
Adult diapers were initially invented for old people who couldn’t hold in their farts very well. Who would have thought that a mere hour after their invention, fetishists would swoop in and claim them as a focal point of sexual play? I have no source to prove that this was the case, but I’m damn certain this is exactly how it went down. Hell, the people that worked on the development of the first adult diaper probably had a stiffy or two. You have to be a special kind of fucked up to work on diaper development. So, where does the actual fetish come from? What is the arousing element?
I haven’t the slightest fucking idea. There are many lateral fetishes that could be the main inspiration behind this particular depravity. I’m thinking that scat fetishists are a natural fit for diaper themed smut, but I don’t quite get the connection. It can’t be an upgrade. Going from not wearing a diaper to wearing a diaper just makes it harder to shit onto the person you love. So, it’s a step backwards. But, if you already like shitting on people, why the fuck would you stop yourself? Maybe these people just want to make a mess that they can look at and be proud of. Or hell, maybe they’re using the diapers as bowls to eat out of later. I don’t know, man.
Call me Baby
On the other side of the fucked-up coin there’s the baby roleplaying crazies who like to dress up as babies, suck on pacifiers and generally make cringe noises with their mouth holes. I’ve seen that particular fetish trend on XHamster and other similar sites recently, with 30-year-old professional bitches doing indie smut themed at baby roleplay. I don’t know who this is supposed to be arousing, but it’s a thing. It also often overlaps with diaper play, since the diaper itself helps sell the role. It’s required attire.
These kinds of videos vary in terms of how deep the diaper play goes, depending on whether the focal point is the diaper itself or the baby roleplay. Whenever there’s mixing and matching between several fetishes like this you can’t be sure what to expect. Your preferred fetish might be the main focus or it could just be an afterthought. That’s why you get a lot of videos on XHamster that involve diapers, but don’t give those diapers a lot of love or attention. In those videos the diapers only serve as decoration.
Getting Gross in Here
Further down the vein of disgusting sexual acts, you’ve got a lot of videos on XHamster that feature proper diaper play, where the babes are really getting into the idea of being incontinent. I’m also seeing a few videos here and there in which dudes join in on the action while also wearing a diaper, but the cocks have to come out sooner or later. For the most part, though, you’re seeing nothing but chicks. There’s an abundance of lesbian play as well with some hot scenarios like bed wetting punishment between a chick and her make believe mom. The hot videos that feature dudes in them are mostly shot from said dude’s POV and you can make believe that a hot babe is changing your diaper. Again, I don’t see how this is sexy, but to each his own. If you want a chick to touch your nasties, you might as well just piss on her face. It’s a lot more dominating, that’s for damn sure.
The final on the long list of fucked up diaper play videos are those that feature actual defecation and urination. I don’t understand why scat is not allowed on XHamster anymore, even though I have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with the fact that human shit is literally toxic and eating it can land you in a hospital. Maybe the owners behind the site just found it really gross. Either way, actual portrayals of shit eating are out of the question. I think that actually taking a shit on camera is also not allowed. This isn’t stopping the independent porn creators from pretending to take a shit in their diapers and talking about it. That’s above board. They also wet themselves quite often. Sometimes they do it in their pants, without a diaper, to showcase why they need a diaper, in order to put one on afterwards. The whole damn section is fucked up. What do you expect?
Top Notch Quality
In terms of quality, XHamster have been steadily improving for the past few years. Right now, they’re at a point where most of the videos at the top of any results page are properly HD. True free HD videos are still quite rare, when you think about it. I’m very grateful for this quality and you should be too. And, granted, the site is littered with ads, but they’re the kind of upscale ads that don’t try to slip into your butthole unannounced. They give you ample time and ability to get rid of them so you can get back to fapping.
If you use an ad-blocker the experience will be perfectly seamless with almost no ads at all, but I would advise against it for one simple reason – this site is worth seeing ads for. I try to be fair and unbiased. Truth is, some sites really fuck up their ad delivery to the point that you have to either leave or block the ads. XHamster is doing a fine job at providing countless high-definition videos of diaper play so you can give them a free pass. You still turn the ads off; you just don’t block them in advance. Anyways, that’s what I do. You can do whatever the fuck you want.
Gets My Seal of Approval
If you want my recommendation for quality diaper play, check out the feeding and diaper play where girls feed other girls via bottles and their breasts. It’s fantastic stuff. I’m not into diaper play, but this shit made me super hard, because it’s a chick sucking on another chick’s tit. What’s not to love? You throw in the diaper play and that should pretty much cement the deal for all diaper fetishists.
As for the quality of the depiction of the fetish itself, well, that has to remain on you. You decide whether this smut is exactly what you wanted to see out of XHamster’s diaper section or not. I personally have no real preference here outside of my passion for women and my appreciation for high resolution videos. What I can say, at least, is that this content is as good or perhaps better than similar content on similar top notch free porn tubes. XHamster have done the work and they’re currently hosting thousands of fantastic high-definition diaper play porn videos.
Countless videos
Lesbian and solo play
Scat not allowed
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