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ImageFap Facesitting
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ImageFap Facesitting
Videos have been the most popular media format for pornography for a long time now, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any fans of good old image and GIF format pornography left out there, right? I mean, if GIFs and images have completely fallen out of favor with porn fans due to the sheer superiority of their video format counterpart, then sites like ImageFap here certainly wouldn’t have a reason to exist anymore, correct? Well, truth be told, ImageFap here is doing quite well for a porn website that doesn’t have any video format pornography featured on its pages, but why is that? One theory is that it contains a lot of obscure XXX material that’s difficult to find on other sites. Another theory that may explain why this site is still effectively operating is that its dated design invokes a sense of nostalgia within its visitors.
However, one of the best theories as to why this site is still active even though its design and content strategy both scream “late 90s/early 2000s” is due to the simple fact that it’s got a seemingly endless amount of user-made galleries that contain purely hand-picked GIFs and images which feature virtually every XXX genre, kink, and fetish known to man.
In other words, what is easily one of the best things about ImageFap here which is also this site’s bread and butter is the plethora of user-created galleries that can be found here. ImageFap has literally thousands of unique user-created galleries that feature a curated list of XXX GIFs and images that center around a particular pornographic theme or genre, and all of these galleries have been assorted by real individuals as opposed to predatory AI-driven corporation-backed algorithms. So, while ImageFap here may not have any videos, it’s still got a plethora of image and GIF format porn that’s personally organized and curated by real individuals within freely-viewable galleries.
Moreover, many of these individuals have a taste and eye for porn that’s bound to please even the most nitpicky of porn fans, which is all-in-all a major part of what makes this GIF and image-exclusive porn website charming and attractive to many porn fans even today in 2022. And the best thing about these user-created and curated galleries is the fact that many of them focus on specific kinks or fetishes that are parts of whole XXX genres, as evidenced by the impressive number of facesitting-themed galleries here that center around a particular aspect, theme, kink or motif that’s much more specific than just the mere facesitting XXX genre itself…
And All Of Them Are Featured In User-Made Galleries Created By Local Users Who Definitely Know How To Hand-Pick And Curate Top-Notch Collections
So, we’ve already established that all of this site’s GIFs and images are contained in a plethora of galleries, and all of these galleries are created by local users who’ve personally hand-picked and uploaded each and every GIF and image that’s in them. And this is also the case with this site’s facesitting-themed content as well, as all of it comes in a neatly arranged selection of galleries that have been created and curated by local users as opposed to the site’s admins or some AI-backed algorithm. That said, each and every facesitting-themed GIF or image you can see here on ImageFap is featured in a user-made gallery that houses it, and the best part about that is the fact that many of these facesitting-themed galleries actually focus on a specific theme that’s either a part of the whole facesitting XXX genre itself, or an addition to it.
For example, you’ve got a fair few facesitting-themed galleries here on ImageFap that feature only BBWs, as well as lots of facesitting-themed galleries that feature only dominant dominatrixes, or ones that have a medieval theme to them, or ones that feature only all-female casts of lesbians. You’ve also got facesitting-themed galleries here that come with their own scripts which are written on the images and GIFs themselves, as well as a notable amount of facesitting-themed galleries that feature only drawn 2D content.
Case and point; the fact that local users of this site can create and personally curate these aforementioned facesitting-themed galleries means that there’s pretty much no limit to their variety - however, there do seem to be a few specific kinds of facesitting-themed galleries that are significantly more common than the rest...
There Are A Fair Few POV-Themed Galleries Here That Show Dominant Women About To Sit On The Observer
There are quite a few POV-themed facesitting galleries here made by only the most submissive of facesitting-lovers who value immersion above all else. These galleries mostly consist of GIFs that loop through a scene that shows a woman literally sitting on the camera lens, which in turn is supposed to be the observer's point of view. These sorts of facesitting-themed galleries make up at least a quarter or so of all the facesitting-themed galleries on ImageFap here, meaning that they can be encountered roughly once every four or so gallery entries.
As Well As Plenty Of Galleries That Feature GIFs And Images That Show Only Women Sitting On Each Others’ Faces
Lots of lesbian-themed porn contains facesitting-themed segments, which is why there’s lots of facesitting-themed porn out there that features a strictly all-female cast of XXX performers. And that certainly shows here on ImageFap’s wide-spanning collection of featured facesitting content, as this site’s got plenty of all-lesbian-themed facesitting galleries. As a matter of fact, it wouldn’t be too farfetched to state that around one in every three or four facesitting-themed galleries here are purely lesbian-themed.
And Of Course, There Are Plenty Of Heterosexual-Themed Galleries Here Too
At the end of the day, porn is mostly about emulating heterosexual encounters and making them look as hot and sexy as possible, so it’s no surprise that there are tons of hetero-themed facesitting galleries here on ImageFap. Many of these man-to-woman facesitting galleries show some form of sixty-nine sex too, but there are also plenty of them that merely show women sitting on men’s faces and nothing more. That said, these sorts of hetero man-to-woman facesitting galleries make up at least half of all the facesitting-themed galleries that are on this site, which means that anyone who cares to snoop through this site’s facesitting-themed galleries will no doubt end up encountering these aforementioned heterosexual galleries at least once every two or so entries.
There Seems To Be A Somewhat Equal Amount Of Both Studio-Grade And Amateur-Made Content Here
When it comes to the eternal split between amateur and studio-made porn, ImageFap here doesn’t seem to discriminate against one side or favor one side over the other. In other words, there seems to be just as much amateur-made porn here on ImageFap as there is professional studio-made stuff, which is definitely a rare thing for a porn site to have in this day and age. This means that fans of both homemade porn, as well as studio-grade porn, will no doubt be pleased with the content variety on this site.
This Site’s All About Images And GIFs, So Of Course It Loads Easily On Smartphones
ImageFap may look like it belongs in the late 90s or early 2000s design-wise, but this site’s actually very well optimized, at least far more than what it may seem like. For example, accessing this site via smartphone is pretty much a quick and simple, no-frills process every single time, and that’s because ImageFap mobile is very well optimized and works like a charm on all smartphone makes and browsers out there. After all, ImageFap here is all about GIF and image-format pornography, and it would be quite embarrassing for it if its rather simple media format porn fails to load on modern-day smartphones - thankfully though, whoever is in charge of this site has made sure that it loads up on smartphones as well as it does on desktop PCs.
The user-created galleries here never fail to surprise or deliver a sense of variety
This site’s got plenty of professional studio-made GIFs and images
As well as tons of amateur-made content as well
There doesn’t seem to be any sound on this site’s GIFs
And there’s no regulation of the quality of its GIFs and images
It’s virtually impossible to totally separate this site’s amateur porn from its studio-made counterpart
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