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Could you imagine going to a theater to watch great quality porn? A huge screen, typically used for your run-of-the-mill movies, is now showing off girls fucking or using toys in their pussies. It sounds like a far off dream because there's no way in hell that'd happen. Movieporn is bringing that hunger for us wanting to see our favorite movie characters fuck on our screens. There are a couple of things that Movieporn gets right and I'll tell you all about it.

Unfortunately, as it stands right now, and I want to stress right now, Movieporn doesn't do much. They're sort of caught in the middle of a lot of other things. These things deal with the website as a whole and the overall company running the show. Perhaps Movieporn is too big of a project?

Design - Dark Theme with Porn

Movieporn's theme is kind of what you'd want out of a porn site. Well, it's pick and choose, really. Their dark theme fits fantastically with the overall theme of the site: porn about movies. What I enjoy is the very top of the website when you get to it. There's this decently sized banner featuring, what I'm going to guess, is their latest movie to come out.

Beneath that, we get to see what's "hot" and their "new videos." This is all pretty basic stuff so I won't go insane over something that should be done. But the design of the site works well. When we start getting into the pages dedicated for the video itself, it's good there, too. The video is very large on your desktop screen. Movieporn then offers some information such as the video's tags, description, and some high-quality photos.

The photos, much like downloading the title, are only available if you are a member of Movieporn. On mobile, the site essentially looks the same but is formatted well to fit smartphones.

Content - Possibly Lacking

The idea of having videos made, porn content, about movies is an eye-catcher. It's nice to see this sort of thing. We already have NSFW photos made of movie characters and other people trying to roleplay them elsewhere. What Movieporn has done is take that concept and expand on it. They have gotten some interesting ideas from movies and adapted them into porn.

Movieporn covers a decent range of titles. They have things referencing many popular titles in the movie industry. With some clever thinking you'll get titles like "Game of Throats" on Movieporn. As you'd imagine, the possibility for porn movies like this is endless. Does Movieporn know this too, who really knows.

I'm struggling to throw them a party, I will say. Movieporn, for starting out looking like something good, is really struggling to hold their own at the moment. This could definitely change but, on their site, they only have two pages worth of content. And it's not even two full pages of porn videos.

That's not necessarily a red flag but it's a yellow one.

Great Ideas (The Positives)

Movieporn has something great here: a concept of making porn from popular movies. It's something people have done on their own, made other forms of media out of it, so it makes sense. The costumes are one of the two big things I enjoy about Movieporn. The costumes they have these girls in are amazing. Some of them even include some great attention to detail for body painting.

Body paint is something hard to pull off. Either you nail it or you're really sloppy with it. Movieporn has done a good job in making it look good and look close to how we may know it from the movie it's from.

The second thing they've done well is kept the vibe, the feel, of the movie in their porn title. I'm going through these videos and I'm saying, "yeah, that's exactly how the movie looked." But it's just porn now. I'll give credit where credit is due and Movieporn has done a fantastic job at keeping the overall vibe of their porn movies like the real one.

Their productions of these movies aren't bad either. Some settings look better than others. Sites may look bigger than others, too, but that's probably because of what the movie is required to look like. You won't always be able to shoot in the best location. They're doing what they can and it works great for them.

Light on Content (The Negatives)

With such a great idea like making porn from movies, it's surprising that Movieporn is lacking. They're lacking in the main area that makes a porn site what it is: porn. There's not enough of it. Movieporn allows you to see what they have on tap. As someone who is new, someone interested (keyword), they can check out what's in store. But if someone's asking to see the inventory and it's lackluster, why stick around? You'd just burn through it in a couple of hours.

While this is a negative, it could also be the limitations of their team size. Maybe their production team is cluttered with a bunch of other stuff. Which takes me into my next question: is Movieporn cared about?

There's one other thing on this site that I do not like. At the bottom, listed with vibrant photos are other sites. I don't like this because someone coming here is interested in this. If they are not, have a list somewhere else to take to other places. Don't plaster this shit so loudly right on the homepage. It makes it look like you're not so confident in this website.

How it is right now, Movieporn simply does not have enough content to be a worthwhile adventure. Is this due to the production team behind Movieporn being stretched too thin? Or is another reason of the production process being long? We'll never really know for sure. But the lack of providing information for the users, the lack of content, will damage Movieporn going forward.

They've also never provided information on streaming. Is this site simply download only? Movieporn does offer something along the lines of "regular updates." What does regular mean to them? One a week? One every two weeks? The lack of communication isn't a good sign. Movieporn is asking people to become members, to spend money, why go into it blind? They need to step it up.

Do Better (My Suggestions)

This suggestion goes hand-in-hand. Bring more content and communicate more. Why are these two together; because each feeds off the other. When there's more content, you can communicate it out to your members that there's something new. Movieporn should also, when things are slow, communicate with everyone about when to expect something new.

They're doing terribly in both areas and it sucks. Movieporn is a good concept but lacking in care for it will not make it last longer or do any better. The entire vibe of the site feels empty but with a hint of something being good there. They do have videos, just not many. Them not posting things on the site, banners, trailers or something new coming with a date makes it feel weightless and empty.

In Conclusion

Movieporn, while being a great concept, lacks in what's most important: communication and content. They have done a great job with the videos on the site. The costumes look amazing and their videos are of fantastic quality. It's not like they're careless with the videos they produce. They are very good.

Currently, I do not feel Movieporn is a worthwhile investment until they improve in both content and communication.

Good Design (mobile/desktop)

Amazing Costumes

Well produced videos

Lack of clarity/communication

Light on content


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