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Czech Tantra
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Czech Tantra
CzechAV have been nipping at the heels of western porn productions for the past ten years or so. They’ve been a sort of thorn in the western porn circle’s side, because they keep showing them up at their own game. It’s all well and good, it’s healthy competition. I love this kind of two sided tugs-of-war in the porn industry, because they guarantee better smut for us, the fappers. The west has Riley Reid, but Europe has the Czech Republic. Europe also has significantly cheaper women. Wait, that didn’t sound right. I mean, it’s cheaper to get a woman to suck on a cock in Europe. Ok again, that’s not quite what I meant. Porn costs less to produce in Europe than it does in America, ok? That’s what I wanted to say.
Normally, when you go to second best you expect to see second best. It’s supposed to be a compromise. CzechTantra, along with the rest of the CzechAV network is here to throw you many curveballs. This is not B-tier smut. Hell, I’m not even sure that this is the second best wing of mainstream pornography anymore. The Czechs keep upping their game. Really, the only thing standing in their way of world porn domination is the lack of recognizable western faces. If they get to book a couple of western A-listers, it’s all over for western porn. The Czechs will pretty much have declared victory at that point.
Cultural Explosion
In the common western progressive world, it is now woefully inappropriate to culturally appropriate shit from cultures that you are not a part of. Apparently if you’re not Mexican, you can’t wear a sombrero without also telling the world that you are racist. I personally think that this whole concept is grade A bullshit and people should be able to do whatever the hell they want. It would appear the Czechs give even fewer fucks than I do, though, because they had the audacity to put the word tantra in their website title. For those of you who haven’t heard, Tantric sex as well as the adjoined spiritual hub bub is one extended ancient Indian philosophy that has to do with energies, karmas and what the fuck ever else the Indians were writing about back in the olden days. No-one really gives a shit. Hell, when you Google the term, it quite literally says something to the tune of: People normally don’t give a shit about the non-sexual parts of tantric spirituality. Yeah, no kidding.
We all kind of casually associate tantric sex with the Kamasutra and such similar Indian sexual depravity, which is arguably rather vanilla compared to what western porn producers get away with. I guess 69ing was once considered mass heresy. Now it’s the new missionary position. But, back in the day, the Indians had themselves this in-depth spiritual practice with a lot of literature and lord knows what other kinds of intricate specifics that defined how you are supposed to do awesome shit with your body and the bodies of other people. It’s mostly written for man on woman action, but it works just fine beyond. Leave it to the Czechs to take this whole concept and just sort of … casually pioneer it in the 21st century. It’s kind of like if the Russians released curry spiked vodka and called it a Punjab Surprise.
Rubbing, Petting and Cumming
The scenarios in these videos are original the first time around, but you quickly realize that all the videos follow the same pattern. Their devotion to tantric sexual play is actually so on point that I found them to be a bit boring and repetitive. Make no mistake, this is actually a good thing. The alternative would be them taking this shit as a joke and making a travesty of the whole sexual play. I know that tantric sex isn’t technically a fetish or whatever, but it can be. It can fall under passionate love for intricate and passionate massages. Why not? It works just fine as a preference and there are many different ways in which you could produce this kind of smut. CzechTantra are basically a proof of concept. They’re mastering this shit and showing the rest of the world how this particular kind of cultural sex can be done.
At the start of every video you get a slow build up that usually features a naked girl across a bed that kind of serves as a massage table. They film the whole thing under an angle so it feels more like a proper massage rather than a bedroom escapade. The lighting is also on point. It’s dark, but illuminates everything that needs to be seen at the same time. You get late night bedroom vibes. The spirituality is also there, with all kinds of decorations that don’t have to be there, but they help the scene and they definitely help the immersion. Even the porn actors within seem to be taken aback by the concept. You can tell they’re not just pretending. They’re more relaxed than they’ve ever been.
Foreign Babes
CzechAV productions are notorious for mostly hiring east European girls, which is perfectly normal considering where they film their smut. However, lately they’ve been trying to branch out. They’re moving from porn production to porn empire mastery and as such they need to justify their popularity and success with some variety. Thankfully, their newer channels like CzechTantra come with an absolutely huge number of hot babes from various countries around the globe. I mean, you can’t tell me that the gorgeous black chick with the curly locks is a Czech native. Technically she could be, but racially, she provides to the diversity of babes on CzechTantra and I am grateful for that.
There are all kinds of different babes on here and whether they’re flown into the Czech Republic or filmed on location, it really doesn’t matter – there’s variety among the tits and that’s exactly what a fetish site needs to stay afloat. They’ve already established that the main common thread across their videos is going to be the tantric massage. Therefore, they need to mix and match all the other parts of their videos and the babes are the most important.
Chicks with Dudes with More Chicks
Someone behind CzechTantra took their casting job really fucking seriously, because almost every video on here features more than two people, but it never feels like you’re watching a generic threesome. These people have roles and they’re damn dedicated to them. They take their jobs very seriously. I know they’re all pornstars and ultimately it’s their job to get dicked on camera, but I really love it when actors and actresses are used in porn movies only within a certain decorative function. In these particular tantric videos, this works fantastically well.
Let’s say you’ve got a video of a babe giving a dude a tantric massage, which is code for really slow, really underwhelming handjob with a lot of oil and incense. Ok, so far so good. Now, imagine you added a second babe. This one could also whore around the cock, but wouldn’t it be so much better if instead she was in charge of gently dominating the other girl by guiding her around the cock? That’s the kind of shit you get on CzechTantra. Someone is rubbing, someone is enjoying and everyone else serves some kind of monk-like role of promoting the sensuality without interrupting the flow. My favorite part among these videos was a scene featuring a young whore collecting a dude’s cum in her hands, then licking it slowly with her tongue like a dog, while an older, much more authoritative woman pets her on the side of the head as if to say: “Good girl.”. This is hot shit, all right?
A Huge Network
The upside of fapping to CzechAV porn is the quality which comes from their manpower and financial investment. The downside is that you pretty much have to buy the whole package. You can’t just have CzechTantra. I’m sorry. The good news is that the network isn’t that expensive. From what I’m seeing here currently, you can get a monthly subscription for $30, which is industry standard. Then, there’s the 90-day tier for $65 and the 180-day tier for $100. Not too shabby for a gigantic porn network that features countless fetishes and gorgeous east European babes.
I honestly think they’re worth a subscription. But, as they are a gigantic network, I’d advise that you casually check out their other work to see whether it fits your needs. You don’t have to get such a huge subscription for one website alone. It’s not worth it that way. Comb through the offer before you commit to a long term investment. Oh and if you’re going to be getting a tantric massage any time soon and the bitch in front of you has a candle, don’t let her near your gonads. Trust me. I’ve been there. You do not want to risk it.
Original concept
Extreme devotion to spirituality
Exceptionally produced
Hot bitches
Network sub mandatory
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