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Female Muscle Movies
I have a question for you muscle porn enthusiasts. Is there such a thing as a woman who is too buff? I’d reckon there is. I’d say that this entire goddamn website is proof and evidence that women should just sort of stop bulking and cutting after they hit a certain body fat ratio. I’ve got nothing against strong women. I’m not the kind of man to get intimidated by a chick who could bench me without breaking a sweat. Plus, bitches who spend time at the gym tend to do a lot of work in the bedroom. They’re used to the cardio. Your average slim bitch might be thin enough to be sexy, but do you think she’s got the core strength to do pelvic thrusts all night? Hell to the no. You need a strong babe for that shit.
Enter FemaleMuscleMovies – a muscle babe website with women who straight up defy the limitations of the human body. These girls are about as close to peak performance as you can get. Whether or not that is sexy remains to be discussed. What I can tell you for certain is that every bitch on this entire website is decidedly stronger than you. This is a win for all the dudes among you who adore female muscle, but it’s a huge problem for fappers who actually like the female form, like myself. I love titties and I adore asses. I like shoving my cock in there; you know how this works. I also like to pretend that I’m fucking these bitches while I’m watching them suck cock on camera. I’m finding it kind of hard to immerse myself into this action, though, on account of how … monstrous these girls look.
Strength as a Deformity
After a certain point of bulking and cutting, the human body straight up deforms into something you don’t really see very often. You see, our muscles have the potential to engorge in size. The more you break them, the more they heal and the stronger they get, with the added bonus of increasing in volume. Muscles are fascinating. For men, it’s usually a great idea to bulk up to a certain point then cut down until we look like fuckable pieces of meat. I used to be the perfect example of that in my prime. Nowadays I mostly just get away with having a giant cock. Still, I’d like to think I look good.
Women have a much shittier experience when it comes to bulking and cutting, because the best parts of their bodies aren’t actually comprised of muscle. Titties and asses are almost entirely comprised of fat. Oh sure, we talk about glutes when we reference asses, but the glutes keep the ass in position, they aren’t the actual part you stick your cock in-between. That’s all fat, baby. We love the fat. All bitches have fat. It’s problematic when they have too much of it, but just as bad when they have none.
Kiss The Titties Goodbye
The Amazon queens in all the videos on FemaleMuscleMovies are a perfect example of the abovementioned deformation of the female form that happens when you strip down all the fat and pump up all the muscle – the titties leave. They straight up get ripped from existence. Contrary to popular belief, titties live on top of the breast muscles, not inside or in-between or any of that kind of shit. They’re on top. When bitches bulk up their chest muscles, they push their titties outward and sideways. This is a great way for slim babes to add a bit of size to their front, but after a certain point the titties start to deform.
Combine that with the fact that serious fitness involves hardcore fat burning and you get the perfect monstrosity. All the babes on FemaleMuscleMovies feature titties that look like absolute abominations. I straight up can’t fap to them. I’m the goddamn king of porn reviews and I can’t force myself to enjoy naked female titties on here. I guess you could say that the chests on these bitches remind me of male chests and that kills the boner, but even without that association, there’s nothing for me to enjoy here. Instead of boobs, these bitches have skin colored steel plates up front. My verdict: these babes aren’t sexy and they probably never will be.
Peak Feminism
If you’ve been paying attention to progressive activism lately, you might be aware that feminism in the 21st century is all about bitching, moaning and not wanting to get a job. Oh, and dying your hair. This is depressing shit. Women spent the better part of the last century trying to break into the workforce, then modern feminism shoved them to the back of the bus again. But that’s the common self-professed feminist profile. The real feminists, in my view, are the babes on FemaleMuscleMovies and they’ve managed to convert all of that female energy into sexual energy for male enjoyment. In other words, you can pay to consume some of this feminism.
The babes are strong, we’ve covered that. They’re also huge, on account of all the muscle. On top of that, they’re quite proud of themselves and the progress they’ve made. Standing next to a naked male, they look like giants and boy do they love playing that angle. They manhandle the men in these videos like dogs playing with bones. The babes on FemaleMuscleMovies straight up dominate the naked dudes in ways that you might not have thought possible. They fuck them, they suck them and they even fucking lift them up in the air.
Supreme Domination
The dom play doesn’t stop there, oh no. These babes have the audacity to sit on top of the dudes, rubbing their buff posteriors onto their faces. The dudes seem to be having a good time, or at least, I think. Maybe they’re too intimidated to say otherwise. They mostly just lie there and hope they don’t get crushed. Have you seen that scene in The Boys in which that superpowered bitch with the blades in her arm rides that one dude’s face then smashes his entire fucking head into the ground? Yeah, that’s what I had on my mind when I was watching these videos. There’s no way these dudes walked away from these scenes without some serious bruises.
Thankfully, there’s no actual violence. I didn’t see any punching, hitting or choking, barring the occasional chokehold, but that was mostly done to flex the girl’s muscles. The guys were never in any real danger, though I’m sure they’d disagree with that assessment if you asked them. All in all, this place has one of the wildest female-to-male strength dynamics I’ve ever seen in porn. This place might be a natural fit for BDSM fetishists, provided they like the combination. It only flows one way.
Some Random Experimentation
It’s not all domination play, thankfully. A lot of these videos come with some bonus scenes in-between all the action to keep things fresh. I saw a scene of two muscular girls playing Twister with one another, which looked … goofy and strange, but hey, more power to you. There are also handjobs, foot-jobs, standard submissive blowjobs – though they don’t look submissive even if the babe is down on her knees. I even caught a couple of arm-wrestling competitions. Those were pretty neat.
Naturally, there’s a good selection of standard solo female stripping so you can get a nice clear peek at the goods, but I don’t see how you could possibly masturbate to this content. I tried. God help me, I tried. It didn’t work. It refused to work. My cock called in sick, I’m afraid. Again, if this is your idea of a good time, I won’t judge you. By all means, have your fun. I personally don’t get it, but I don’t have to get it. I’m just here to review the smut.
Disappointing Business Model
I’d like to give the folks at FemaleMuscleMovies a medal for managing to boast about their videos not being available for download. They straight up make it sound like this is a pro and not a con. They boast about how their videos are perfected for live streaming from all devices. This is apparently the superior ways to browse. Bullshit. They just don’t want you to save these videos so you have to keep paying to access them.
A monthly membership starts at $20 for the first month, then rebills at $10, so you know they’re trying to keep you hooked. Currently they have around 250 videos and they’ve noted that new ones are coming soon, though I do not know how many to expect. I think that the pricing is perfectly fine, but I would have loved to see the option to save the actual videos as well.
250+ Videos
Decent quality
Cheap monthly tier
Chicks are too muscular
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