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I wouldn’t be surprising anyone by suggesting that you’re all a bunch of bitches. You know it, I know it, we all know it. You’re only men in the strictest sense of the word. All you have going for you is that tiny penis of yours. If it weren’t for that, you would be indistinguishable from any dumb cunt walking down the street.
I know little girls who are manlier than you have ever been in your short, miserable life. Your parents are nothing but disappointed at the man you turned out to be. They told me they thought they raised you better than that.
The only thing left for you to do is to embrace your sissydom. You are sissy; hear you roar. Or perhaps a better rephrasing of that idiom would be “you are sissy; hear you whisper politely.”
Doesn’t it feel nice to let go and admit to yourself and others that you are a sissy? It’s exhausting acting like a real man when all you want is to put on a skirt and cry while watching The Notebook. Are you planning on living the rest of your life this way, never being your true self? That sounds like torture.
Who is believing your charade anyway? There isn’t enough smoke and mirrors the world over to keep people from figuring out who you are. You could be the proud owner of a forty-five-foot-long dick, and everyone would still recognize you for the pussy you are.
You could be the fucking Marlboro man, and people will know that you take it in the ass. There’s no activity masculine enough, no war violent enough, and no sport fast enough to hide your real intentions. You are a sissy through and through. The question is, what do you do about it?
For every faggy cell in your body, you have two stupid ones, and that stupidity keeps you from learning how to fag correctly. You need bitch lessons. Otherwise, you’ll never live up to your true potential. I hate to see any of my readers fall short of what they could be.
Being a Pussy 101
It’s not like you can apply to Harvard’s being a pussy 101 course. Ivy leagues might be liberal, but they won’t teach you how to be a submissive little cunt. Even if they did, you’re far too retarded to live a scholar’s life. You need a teacher familiar with fags too stupid to know how to be a sissy. You might think that no one has such experience, but you couldn’t be more wrong.
That’s precisely what Sissify does. They aren’t an internationally recognized house of learning, but they have all the tools required to lift you from the doldrums of toxic masculinity and drop you off in a pink pool of curdled cum.
The House of Sissify is an online training institution like the world has never seen. Its courses are built on concepts originating in behavioral modification training. The house of Sissify community is vital for any man looking to shed his old ways and embrace a life of faggotry.
They use tried and true behavioral modification techniques that have worked for generations. The combination of education, discipline, guidance, and community is ideally suited to unleashing the inner bitch from your soul. They will remove all traces of masculinity and straitness and replace them with a submissive spirit that only wants to suck dick and take orders.
The house is where my sissy readers can feel free to explore and grow. As you develop friendships and mentorships on Sissify, you will cease to recognize your old self. Instead, you’ll wonder why you wasted so many years pretending to be something you’re not.
Sissify knows fags like yourselves can’t be trusted to take responsibility for your own actions. That’s why they offer to make all your choices for you. Controlling your own life is too much for you to bear, so why not let a couple of bears do the heavy lifting for you while you focus on looking pretty and blowing cock.
The web design on Sissify is reminiscent of a girls’ magazine like Marie Claire or Seventeen. The main menu sits up top and contains the options Submit your application, Looky look, Feminization erotica, Training, Mysissify, and Log in.
You read that right. Just like any other facilitator of higher education, you will have to apply for entry. However, unlike Ivy League colleges, these guys don’t expect you to be a smart cookie. They want men as dumb and faggy as they come. The more stupid, the easier it is to mold you in their image.
Taking Course Loads
What are classes like on Sissify? You’ll be happy to know that you don’t have to commute to campus. Your mind will be the classroom. Much emphasis has been given to attitude adjustment. Sissify reaches deep into your consciousness and changes who you are at the root. Behavioral modification starts at the very essence of your being. There will be nothing left of the old you by the time you graduate.
But there are many sissy training projects between you and your degree. These include assignments such as “servitude and sissification studies,” “how to please a real man,” and “how to be a real woman.”
Ensuring the proper treatment of all students is one of Sissify’s top priorities. That’s the reason every sissy in training is placed on a strict chastity schedule that the much-respected Masturbation Control Board lords over. Don’t worry. That doesn’t mean you won’t ever be allowed to jerk off. Every student receives fantasies and a notification when it’s their assigned day to play pocket pool.
The teaching staff at Sissify are the best in the world. Professors range from Lifestyle dominants to post-operative trannies and include everything in between. It doesn’t get better than this. Nowhere else in the world can you receive what equates to a doctorate in being a fag. You might even make your parents proud for once in your life.
You're Getting Very Sissy… I Mean Sleepy
For those tough cases, Sissify offers therapeutic hypnosis to help expose those faggish tendencies you’re so desperate to embrace. It’s one of the most extreme measures the site can take, but it’s also the most effective. Their in-house hypnotists could make James Bond fuck a dude in the ass.
They only use the most potent methods developed by exclusive Chinese and German scientists. They even use modern neurolinguistic and rapid eye sissy hypnosis techniques still banned in most countries. This is far more than just behavioral modification. It changes your soul.
The curriculum also includes classes in women’s studies. “Before you can become, you must first emulate.” Think of the old adage, “fake it until you make it.” This isn’t some women’s studies course at a Podunk community college. You won’t learn about women’s suffrage or domestic abuse law. Instead, you’ll learn how to act like some of the most well-respected women in the world.
Of course, domestic duties are covered in the curriculum. Sucking dick isn’t the only thing that will be expected of you. As a sissy fag, much of your life will be spent acting as a slave to men more powerful than yourself. This will often involve tasks such as doing the laundry, cleaning the dishes, and vacuuming the rugs. You’ll also be expected to develop your skills in the kitchen. No slave is adequately trained until they can cook their master’s favorite meals.
Since most of you fucks spent your childhoods getting beat with the ugly stick, learning beauty secrets is a big part of the class. You’ll become adept at applying make-up, choosing flattering fashions, and maintaining a womanly figure. No one wants to have their dick sucked by an ugly sissy.
My readers are literally the perfect clientele for Sissify. You’re all equal parts gay and dumb. The courses here will teach you how to maximize your potential as an ignorant fag. Inside you, a rainbow-colored unicorn is just begging to be set free. Sissify can help you spread the wings of that unicorn so you can fly towards the nearest cock, and jam it into your asshole.
Every aspect of sissydom is covered, including sex, beauty, domestic duties, respect, worship, and women’s studies. By the time you walk away with your degree, you’ll feel like the weakest little cunt in the world.
I can’t think of anything Sissify is missing. They have thought of everything. There’s no better way for a man to become a woman. The only thing I can think to add is live-streamed classes. It would be a fun way to create an authentic college atmosphere.
Alright, you pussies. I know you won’t do it without someone commanding you, so I hereby demand you visit Sissify right the fuck now, you steaming pile of bundled shit sticks.
Amazing concept
Educational classes
Covers everything
Should add the occasional live class
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