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Collar Space is your go-to when you're looking to find someone special. And by special, I mean someone as kinky and as horny and slutty as you are. Or as you'd like them to be. Everyone on this website areTerr looking for someone who is somewhat like them. They're also putting themselves out there for a belt-around-the-neck one-night stand.

Some people on this site are looking for clubbing buddies. Others are just being themselves. Whichever side of the road you're on, Collarspace seems to be decent in bringing together people in your respective area.

Design - God Awful

I don't know who designed this website. I don't even know when this website was made. What I do know is that Collarspace is one God-awfully designed fucking website. Goddamn, how can a website be this fucking bad?

Everything about this website screams "created during the dawn of the internet." There is no web design resembling anything modern or created in the past few years. And, for some damn reason, it's shifted off the left side of the screen on desktop computers. Do not get me started on how Collarspace looks on mobile. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. Spoiler alert: it's worse.

I guess I should be happy it has functional buttons with working links, huh?

Content - Something Right

Collarspace has struck something with its idea of creating this "BDSM community." The introduction of this website is tucked away inside their "Welcome" tab. Going there explains what this website is about and all the things you can do on it. For a site like this, a "Welcome" page is sort of required. You already know it's a niche thing, a fetish site for people with fetishes and kinks. You wouldn't want people entering and thinking it's something else.

You then get to browse the website. Browsing is a bit weird to get into and understand. You'd think they're just photos, like a photo gallery. Collarspace's "Browse" is showing you the thousands of people on the website. You see their profile picture, click on it, and it expands into a larger window. This window gives you information on their name, age, and who they are: pansexual, bisexual, dominant, submissive, etc.

You then get into their "Journal" which is like a place to dump the thoughts you have during the day. Instead of having a forum or message board, this acts as a public diary for everyone on Collarspace.

You can then search Collarspace and find people based on zip code. If you're looking for people local to you, this is a great spot to do so.

Done What They Wanted (The Positives)

Collarspace boasts that they are the "Largest BDSM Community on the Planet." I'm not here to verify that shit. What I am here to do is say that they've done that. However long they've been doing this, Collarspace has established itself as a place for pansexuals, bisexuals, doms, and subs.

Everyone on this website identifies themself in some way. And everyone here is totally fine with that.

What's a nice feature of Collarspace is how detailed they go with searching for people. If you know their username, that makes everything a helluva lot easier, right? If you're just looking, you can really narrow your search. Collarspace allows you to search by height, age, race, and location (State of Residence).

A small bit of their main page is reserved for their "Matches." This spot gives you some information on who they think would be a good match for you. Obviously, not having an account and seeing this is just bullshit. They're basically showing you people who've been online recently or in the past hour. But, with an account, you'll begin to unravel some more relevant matches through Collarspace.

You can then sort out the entire website's main page if that's better for you. As it stands right now, going to Collarspace gives you everyone. Anyone who's ever made an account, you're going to see them show up while scrolling. If you want some clarity in your searches, you can click one of the buttons labeled "All," "Trans," "Female," "FLM," "Male," and "Couples."

As soon as you click one of those, the page does a quick refresh and displays people relevant to that category.

I also really like their "Journals." It works as both a personal ad and a place where people can vent. It's always nice to get some good aftercare when you're done fucking, right? A little snuggle. Little cuddle. This isn't exactly that but it's a place where some people come to vent. Others are showing themselves off with some words about who they are. You'll always find someone typing some quote they read off a dentist's wall.

Pls Do Better (The Negatives)

I, for the life of me, don't know why this website looks so creepy. It's not the people who use Collarspace. It's whoever made the website. Why go for such a low-effort design? It's so low-effort to the point that it looks uncared for. Like it's a site you should really steer away from. This site looks like a place I'd get a virus from just by reading the damn name. Didn't even hit enter yet!

The design is extremely poor. Sure, it functions but that's not always good enough. Collarspace boasts about being the "largest" place for the BDSM community. If that's true, for a moment, why would you want this to be the face of it? Why give your community, the people in it, such a lousy, no-good virtual house to live in? At least put some sort of care into the site you've created. It looks like a cut-off portion of a newspaper.

DO Something (My Suggestions)

A website like Collarspace should at least be doing something. Shouldn't they? I'm no fucking rocket scientist, though I have fucked one before, but isn't more always better. It could be more foreplay, more wetness, more anything! Do something. Stop sitting on your damn hands!

Right now, Collarspace is only surviving based purely on its users. In my head, word of mouth for a site like this is the only other thing keeping them afloat. If you're coming across this website, without knowing the wonderful man's words you're reading today, you'd probably leave.

I have at least broken down the site to you and let you know it's a good place to pop a squat. But damn. Without someone who knows the website, and knows what it provides, their site's look is enough to make a person gag. Not even the good gag either. Collarspace needs to seriously up its web design game.

No website looks like this anymore. And any site that does just looks tacky and not anything worth spending time on. Another worthy point is to do something socially. Collarspace does go into some detail about events going on throughout the year. They're events that deal with the type of people in their community. That's great. I love it.

What I don't love is their lack of social status. Do they not want to represent this "largest" community even more? Don't they want more people? To expand even more than they are. A place that welcomes people with fetishes and kinks would surely want more people like that and to know it's safe and okay.

There are no ads on the main page of the site that show off what's new on the site. They have a page dedicated to "events" but they can show them off on the main page too. Just redirect them to that "events" page for more details.

In Conclusion

Collarspace is an active space where people with fetishes and kinks cum together. They offer insight into some events going on that people who are pansexual, bisexual, etc. may enjoy. What they don't do good, however, is establish the face of the website as a welcoming one. They only boast that they are with nothing to back that up.

A space for everyone

Detailed searching

Events for bisexuals, pansexuals, etc.

"Journals" (personal ads/venting)

Terribly designed

No social status

No evidence of wanting to branch out


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