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Lifestyle Lounge

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Lifestyle Lounge; what sort of lifestyle are you living? They talk about themselves being the place for swingers, couples, and singles. There's a lot of moving around and mixing of kinks when it comes to Lifestyle Lounge. It seems as though this dating website was first created in 2000. That's a long time ago now. And a lot of the things this site has going on seems to fall back on that time period.

From the lack of features they talk about to the way the website is designed. Lifestyle Lounge does not seem like a website that is at the top of the chain anymore for swingers and couples. Well... that's if it ever was.

Design - Old & Rickety

Lifestyle Lounge is such an old fashioned website. I feel, thinking back, there were some websites back in 2000, and 2001 that looked better than this. The black background isn't something that's always used. Even now, a darker background will sometimes be more than just a dark background. It offers something.

Lifestyle Lounge's design seems to offer nothing but speak to how incredibly old it is. It lacks anything that shows finesse or understanding of how websites are in the current times. Lifestyle Lounge's website looks like someone taking a computer class made it for a grade. It's passable. Passable. But it goes no further than a C average and I'm being generous with even that.

Even on mobile, their understanding of something like this is non-existent. Granted, and this is true, smartphones were not around in 2000. But as time progressed, wouldn't they think to go back and touch up what needs to be touched?

They also have a "classic" version of the website. As if there's a different look to this site? It doesn't exactly change anything. It's the same website but slightly brought inward on the screen? I don't really know. It makes no sense to have something like that.

Content - Lacking

I wish I could sit here and tell you about all the good things Lifestyle Lounge has going on as a dating website. I really do. As it stands, how they've decided to do it, I just can't. There's nothing about features, nothing on profiles, or anything else they provide as a dating website. Do they host contests? What does the searching feature look like? How do people interact with one another?

These are important things for a website - especially a dating website. You want people to understand and know what they're getting into. Right now, Lifestyle Lounge is turning more people away than they are bringing in.

Here's what they're giving me, okay? The fucking non-existent care for my feelings is sickneing. They give me "Spotlight Profiles." Now, this is nice. It's some way of people seeing real people, on the site, doing their thing. The spotlight profiles show a picture of the person, a quick little blurb about them/what they want to say, and their username/location. Fantastic! We're going somewhere with that.

They also offer some links about events going on for, I guess swingers and couples? Swingers or couples? Swingers, couples, and singles? They don't fucking specify. But at least these are current to the year. I just wish the rest of the site was.

They're Really Struggling (The Positives)

Leading off a positive section talking about people struggling is never a good way to begin. But because they're struggling so hard, I'm struggling! There's not a positive about this site that can make anything better or make people rush over and sign up. No, absolutely not.

A quick positive, right off the bat, is the events portion on the site. It's not even labeled that. Fuck. It at least shows me something current is being done. This site looks completely abandoned. Are these spotlight profiles even of current people on the site? It'd be nice to see how frequent they are on Lifestyle Lounge. But, no, it's asking for too much, I guess.

I Can Only Imagine (The Negatives)

I can only imagine how shitty the other sides of this dating website are. Damn. And, it's not like there's an excuse for how terrible this dating site is. Sure, you can have this weird, barely functioning photo rotation with quotes like, "same seeking same." It's great that they're trying to be this dating site that looks to hook people up. Truly hook people up. Some sites you just get anybody.

At least they have that going for them. Other than that, there's nothing. The website is stuck in 2000. I can't even tell you if these profiles in their spotlight are real people from the past few months. It'd be nice to have information. There is nothing that a person can look at and say, "yes, I want to be here."

They don't have anything to back up who they are or who they say they are. "The door is open, join us." Join them? Why should I? This isn't just "blindly trust me, come here." Absolutely fucking not! Show me something first! Treat me to a meal before you sit on my face. Or just sit on my face. Whatever, the point is, Lifestyle Lounge offers you nothing but expects everything from you.

You know they have an app on the Apple app store? Hahaha.

Needing to BE Something (My Suggestions)

Lifestyle Lounge needs to be something. Who are they? This is a dating site and they need to get their act together. You want to reel people in to find people like them. To find people they can be friends with and vibe with. Great. But you're not doing anything different. Actually, people won't know if you're anything else different because you don't say anything.

Websites nowadays are cleaner. They look fantastic. With features and fades and everything under some fat titties. Lifestyle Lounge has never plump nor jiggle. It's just a basic bitch. But it can be more. It needs to be more if they're thinking of reeling in even more people. If I was a swinger, I'd stay away from this site. I know for a fact there are better places than this.

Start by revamping the website. Head to toe. Everything needs to change. Offer a better mobile viewing option for people on their phones. This website needs a damn time machine to go from 2000 to 2022. Quickly.

They then need to work on showing some of the things they say they have. On their site, they talk about having "swinger parties and events" and "news." Well, show us. They've done that, sort of, with the events listed at the bottom. But is that it? Four events? Really? Can people using the site make their own and invite people in the area or from another state? I don't know, they won't fucking write anything down.

Show it. Stop being either shy or stingy. You want to show people that you are this dating site for swingers, couples, and singles. Then be about it. Things need to be moved around. Offer some looks into the website, talk about messaging. Can people video chat? Are there smaller communities within the site that are user made for people like them? Lifestyle Lounge needs a complete overhaul from the ground up.

In Conclusion

Lifestyle Lounge needs a complete overhaul from the ground up. It's a website that says it's for, "swingers, couples, and singles." Right now, it's hard to believe anyone should use the site. There's nothing that grips you and makes you think, "yes, I should be here." They mention how people describe themselves or live and think that's enough. It's not.

An attempt at events/parties

Terribly designed website/mobile site

Lack of dating site information

Lack of identity


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