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Swing Lifestyle! Swinging swingers. Just a lot of swingers. Oh, what an interesting lifestyle to have, right? Of course, I'm talking about SwingLifeStyle. A website that's dedicated to people who are living a swinger's life. Go to a party with your wife but end up fucking the neighbor's wife or husband. Imagine coming over for dinner. You get yourself dinner, dessert, and dessert again! Pussy. I'm talking about sex.
They're touting themselves as "the world's largest swinger community." Now, I'm not sure if I'm doubting this. I may know a lot of shit but this is something exciting.
Design - Hah! Dated
SwingLifeStyle is a decent website. Their homepage is any typical landing page. You can log in if you're a member or create your own account to join the swinger way. It's "free," as they've put it. For this place that feels like an extra-large forum, you'd expect to sign up for free.
The information on the website is laid out cleanly. The sidebar plays host to a load of additional pages to visit within SwingLifeStyle. In the center, the meaty part, you'll find some real people on the site. There's a bio of who they are and what they do. The rest of the landing page is a lengthy description of SwingLifeStyle. It's who they are, what they stand for, and more.
The website is also extremely dated. While the site is completely fine and functions, the web design side is old. And it says they've been doing this since the late 90s. It shows - terribly so. But, one thing cool, is they have buttons from the latest decade talking about Google Play and the Apple App Store. That's a win, right?
Content - They Do It Like This?
I never would've expected a website like this. A forum, actually, with so much to offer. There are sex forums where people can come, vent, and all that. SwingLifeStyle is like if you made a community, closed in, and walked into it.
They have a blog, forum, groups, stories written by people who use the site, and party information. The forums, which are very interesting, are broken down into genres. You'll find "General Discussion" links for polyamory, fantasies, BDSM, and threesomes. People are making threads and talking about their experiences.
Everything here is in the mindset of being a safe, easy place to be welcomed into. The people who use SwingLifeStyle are swingers themselves. They understand the first feeling of fucking the neighbor's hot-ass wife! They've probably done it ten times by now. So, here comes you, the novice, and they're just giving you a big hug.
They provide some more ways to get in contact with them in terms of social media. But, curiously, they also sell sex toys and porn DVDs. I guess, if you're hosting a party, order some DVDs and pop one in. As people roll in, they're hearing sounds of a cute petite girl cumming in the living room.
It's Community (The Positives)
I've never seen such a place like this where people fucking their own neighbor is so open and free. I'm sorry. I know I keep bringing up fucking the neighbor. But... I'm not wrong.
SwingLifeStyle has its own "affiliate program." Which, I'm guessing, has to deal with the people who host parties. It can also be for those who are using their club as a hotspot for swingers to come. This isn't exactly explained properly when looking at that page. I wish it was. They seem to be more interested in explaining payment for those in the program. I'd like to know more. Regardless, it's nice they're doing something like this.
The forums are another key point. I always like when people can get into things. We're talking about sex, we're talking about enjoying ourselves with someone else. Leaving without (hopefully without) hurting someone in a personal way. The swingers on this website are actively talking about things they enjoy. They're talking about topics they've personally done like threesomes or BDSM.
It's one thing to have that amazing night, waking up with her ass in front of you because you were eating her out. Then, when you're home, you're talking about that amazing night. Everyone's in good spirits.
SwingLifeStyle also provides information for those "Swinging Clubs." This is probably in an effort to reel in those who are new to it. You never want to have a bad experience with something like this. It's far too damn personal. Emotions start flaring up and it's a fucking mess. SwingLifeStyle understands that, they even talk about clubs in their long-ass post at the beginning.
These clubs are places where couples who are into swinging can go and feel comfortable. They have that knowledge that everyone there is into swinging like they are.
They also have a section dedicated to "articles." These are like mini-stories. Little bite-sized pieces of knowledge from others in the swinging life. Some talk about things swingers may go through for the first time while swinging with their partner. If someone's sharing something with me about their love for big asses, and I have that, of course, I'd like that.
They've got this understanding of people and of bringing them in makes them shine. Rarely you'd find a community with certain things related to fucking or something as different as swinging.
Not Enough (The Negatives)
SwingLifeStyle is a great site for swingers. But they are dropping the ball in some areas. These things aren't that game-breaking though. Just something to touch on.
What I'm not liking is how they aren't doing enough for what they want. They talk about going more "mainstream" and wanting to broaden themselves. It doesn't look like that. What it looks like is that swinging community, walled in, fenced in, is just sitting there. Swinging around with each other inside. Why not open the gates and put up some flyers? Spruce yourself up a bit. Show off who you are. Don't just talk about it in some lengthy-ass fucking post.
The main landing page is bland. There's nothing here to be like honey to someone. You have to do some digging before you find out how nice this place really is. And that's what I went through. You go from the top of the site which is okay and start scrolling down to lose interest.
Expand Who You Are (My Suggestions)
Show off who you are, SwingLifeStyle. Don't be afraid. You're swingers and you love it. Fuck yeah! From a site like this, my first suggestion would be to actually update the site. Get someone who's been coding in the past couple of years, not from 1998, and go. This website's design needs some work. A good website can go a long way. SwingLifeStyle already has the content, they just need a facelift.
Next, change the body of this damn website, please. You have some information here about the affiliate program and some stories from real people that rotate. Fine. But this large wall of text needs to go. You can place this on its own page and it'll do the same job.
Instead, in this body, showcase these clubs you're talking about. Sure, people can click on the tab for it. But imagine showcasing a club that's hosting something this weekend. What they recommend you wear because they have a theme. "Show your titties Saturday!" Something like that. Not that though, that's my idea. Then, add in some other clubs that have been "hot" recently and done a good job hosting.
You can then showcase some hot forum topics people have been into. You've got a store, advertise the products you sell. Don't be one-dimensional in what you're providing. Don't be afraid to show everything off to people visiting. You want more people to be there. You want to expand. Then do that.
In Conclusion
SwingLifeStyle is a community for swinging couples. It's a damn good one, too. They seem to have a good understanding of that sort of lifestyle, and what all goes into it. It's not for everyone, obviously, but for those that it is, they welcome you.
It's like a community
So much put into the site
Its own store
Information on clubs for swingers
Not enough effort to evolve
Wall of text on the homepage
Extremely old web design
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