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Sexual Stories BDSM
All it takes is a trip to an airport book store to know that bitches love romance novels, but ladies only call them romance novels for our benefit. Nothing separates a romance novel from pure erotic smut.
A message to the ladies out there: it's fine. Men are always happy to discover that women are horn dogs too. It makes us feel better about watching Albanian midget porn.
However, there's some innate difference between the smut that women read and men's smut. Women enjoy an enthralling storyline full of intrigue, passion, and lust. Men don't have time for lust. We want the fucking to start before lust has a chance to rear its ugly head.
Women like long monologues about the tender loving care a man provides before laying her down on a bed of roses and slowly eating out her pussy for five hours. Guys don't need any of that. A one-page book with the title "They fuck" will do. And if the book is more than one page, we won't make it to the second, so there's no point in writing it.
Often, male leads in women's romance novels are heroes and saviors. They're muscle-bound he-men who swing into the castle on a rope and save the townspeople from slavery. They treat the world with compassion and look to make it a better place for all.
Men couldn't give less of a shit. We'll read a story about the town whore with the same vigor we read a story about Wonder Woman. It doesn't matter if a bitch is homeless, evil, a serial killer, or a cannibal. As long as she rides cock, we will be along for the ride.
The only reason a man would gravitate toward a book with a heroic female lead is to picture sullying her good name. We want to take the good girl and turn her bad. By the end of a proper men's erotic novel, any woman of the cloth will have become a Satanist.
Airport Bookstwhores
The fact that women's romantic novels can be sold at an airport says a lot. The type of smut men read can't be sold at an airport. The proprietor would be arrested, locked away, and eventually executed. In women's erotic literature, horseback riding is an equestrian sport. In men's erotic novels, it's a term used in polite company to communicate to your boy that you fucked a horse. Jet Blue frowns on its customers reading about horse fucking in first class.
Well, Jet Blue can go fuck itself. Not only do I read about horse fucking on my flights, but I watch it also. I don't even want to jerk off to Beastiality. I just want to give the finger to the man for attempting to tell me what I can and can't do. Of course, if my seatmate doesn't want to watch me jerk off, they are welcome to sit cross-legged in the aisle.
Whether you're a fag who wants to read romance novels or a man's man who wants to read smut, you can find it on Sexualstories. Sexualstories has a massive library of readable porn that ranges from the mundane to the fantastical.
There's almost nothing to the Sexualstories website. It would disappear into the aethers if there were any less of it. There's no main menu, no content filters, and only a tiny category list. Don't come here with an exact idea of what you want to read. Come here ready to browse and discover something new.
The category list runs along the right side and is small enough that I can list it all. It will give you an idea of what kind of content is popular on Sexualstories. The options are Big beautiful women's stories, BDSM -SM - Bondage, Bisex - Gay - Trans, Cuckold, Threesome, Dirty fantasies, Extreme sex stories, Holiday-themed erotic stories, Sex comics, Swinger - swap, and Teens.
Below the category list is a drop-down menu giving you access to the Sexualstories archive. Unfortunately, the only way to search for it is by month. The place has been collecting erotic stories since August of 2016, so they have a massive reservoir of smut ready for you at any time.
The final selections running down the right side are lists of the most popular and recently added content. It just so happens that much of the most popular and most recent content fits into the BDSM category.
There's nothing left to do but scope out some of the smut on Sexualstories. Who wouldn't want to read a tale titled "Grandma Likes it Rough." I've always been curious about how my grandma likes it, and this story puts the matter to rest. It turns out she likes her pussy brutalized.
Grandma! Nooo!
It also turns out that she likes it covered in piss. The story begins with a dom man and sub woman meeting online and deciding to link at a coffee shop in real life. When the man arrives, the woman is about to run to the bathroom, but before she can go, the man demands she sit back down.
He carefully explains that she's not allowed to do anything without his permission, and if she wants to piss, she must ask nicely. After gathering her wits for a moment, she kindly asks her master to use the loo.
He was willing to let her go but only under the following circumstances. First, she must, from this point forward, refer to him as sir. Second, she must not remove or displace her panties until she finishes pissing. Only then may she remove them, place them in her mouth, and walk back out to the table where she will present them for inspection. If those undies are dry, she's catching a beating.
I should be upset at someone treating my grandma like this, but who am I to judge if she's into it? Who am I to judge anybody, for that matter? My name is The PornDude.
Merry Clitmas
If you're anything like me, you've been wondering what sort of holiday-themed smut Sexualstories has on its docket. "Mrs. Claus's Predicament" is a fine example.
Mrs. Claus is pissed. The holiday season is fast approaching, and Mr. Claus is nowhere to be seen. Mrs. Claus is a horny lady. When Santa isn't around to please her pussy she gets frustrated, and unfortunately, that frustration gets taken out on the elves.
The elves are growing sick and tired of Mrs. Claus being a bitch, especially since they know the problem. Santa isn't fucking Mrs. Claus because he has been busy fucking one of the elves named Sasha. No word on if she's related to Sasha Grey in any way.
Santa recently became familiar with BDSM after watching the movie "Fifty Shades of Gray." He had hoped to try some of these new moves on his wife, but before he could, he met Sasha. Sasha was already a BDSM vet, and Santa wanted her to teach him the ropes while he slung ropes.
Eventually, the elves had their fill and conspired to send one of the male elves to fulfill Mrs. Claus sexually. Fortunately, the elves often partook in group sex, so they knew precisely which elf to sit on Santa's wife. His name is Claude, and he has a cock like Zeus.
Despite Claude being a diminutive three foot five, he has a massive thirteen-inch cock that hangs down his trousers. It was so disproportionally large that it looked more like a kickstand. It frightened some of the younger elves, but that's how he liked it.
Claude is married, but his wife understood that only he could accomplish this task. Because it was so important, she decided to help him get ready. Besides helping him bathe and shave, she also gave him an enema so he could be clean inside and out. I have no idea why that was, but I won't doubt her methods.
I think that's a good place to stop. If you want to know more, and I know you do, you'll have to read this shit for yourselves.
Sexual stories might be an extremely minimal site, but they are chock full of dirty stories that could make any man blow a load in his pants. They even have stories for people curious about their grandma's pussy, and I know my readers are nothing if not curious about their grandma's pussy.
I understand what Sexualstories is trying to accomplish, but the website is too simple. It would greatly benefit from having the main menu. But it doesn't have to be a massive, complicated beast. Just provide readers with some tags and categories, and it will be perfect.
I know you can't get through the rest of your day without knowing what happens to Mrs. Claus next, so run over and find out now.
Lack of ads
Holiday content
Needs a menu
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