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Yanks VR! I’ve been a fan of Yanks for many years. I won’t derail this review by talking about them in general too much, since this is a review for their VR site called YanksVR. I’m not actually reviewing Yanks as a whole. Still, I think you need a bit of backstory. For many years, Yanks has been one of those epic and unavoidably amazing porn sites that shits out porn videos that exclusively feature women. They don’t stop there with the feminization, though. All of the people involved with the recording of the content are female. There are no men anywhere near the sets, even behind the camera. That’s damn impressive stuff. They believe and I concur that female pornstars perform better when they’re exclusively working with women.
I’m not knocking man on woman porn, mind you. Lord knows, I’ve seen more than my fair share of that kind of smut and it is the current mainstream default. However, I’m glad that sites like these exist. The whole female centric shtick is a staple that must not be rooted out with time. These women do fantastic work and their overall uniqueness is unavoidable. You can tell that this smut was made by women. Normally I’d saying something stupid here about women not knowing how to please other women on account of them not having magnum cocks, but let’s be realistic. If you own a clitoris, you know how to handle a clitoris. Add to that the comfort of performing in front of someone of the same sex and the end result is a stress free situation that allows these girls to get maximally freaky without any reservation. Plus, Yanks guarantees real orgasms, so that’s neat. I don’t know if it’s true. I’ll take their word for it.
Jumping into VR
All right, from now on, we’ll only be discussing YanksVR. This is a relatively fresh site, at least compared to the company that owns it. They exclusively make VR content, duh. They follow the same rules as Yanks and I’m pretty sure that the same team is behind all of this content, but this is a centralized location where you can get VR porn exclusively. Also, all of the content here features nothing but babes. There’s not a single cock anywhere in site. You might see the occasional dildo or vibrator, but that’s about as far as they go with the phallic implements.
I think that the type of content that YanksVR produce is sort of a natural fit for VR. Hear me out. I’ve tried all kinds of VR porn since I got my Oculus Rift and by far, I was most impressed by the parts where the chicks get deeply involved with the camera. Getting kissed by a naked chick in VR is a lot hotter than watching her suck your dick. The main reason for this is that when the action is further away from you – like say, more than half a meter, you see it as a regular porn clip. However, when you get depth perception involved and combine that with eye contact, your mind starts believing that there’s an actual human being staring back at you. It’s truly a fascinating feeling.
Sexcellent Content
When you combine the intimacy of one-on-one VR experiences with the relaxing female centric filming style of YanksVR, you get a damn fine recipe for overall satisfaction. The videos don’t have a male surrogate for you, since there are no cocks in play, but this works to your favor, trust me. Even though there’s no male protagonist, the girls still interact with the camera as if it were a real person. That is, until they start to really vibe with their own vaginas so tensely that their eyes start to roll back into their skulls. It’s extremely hot shit, all right? I love it.
The main focus of the videos is the chick that is performing in front of the camera. There’s no need to cut away or change the framing, because the camera can easily follow the girl in free flow while she’s pleasing herself. You’re essentially spying on a woman masturbating and I genuinely cannot think of a better angle for VR pornography. One way or another, you’re going to know that it’s not you in these videos. Your mind does a great job at reminding you that it’s all make believe. So, you might as well just spy on action that you’d not directly involved in. It’s a nice compromise.
All Kinds of Lesbians
Half of all the content on YanksVR features girls in solo performances. These are my favorite. However, there’s also a mad smattering of lesbian combinations that usually feature two girls pleasuring each other. They get really freaky with it, but don’t expect any male centric fantasies like extreme anal penetration or spit swaps. Instead, they sort of massage and lick each other from one orgasm to another. They seem to be having a great time. They’re very respectful of one another and they give off proper lesbian vibes. I mean, they don’t seem to be pretending. They’re genuinely enjoying themselves.
That being said, the overall lesbian vibe is a little overplayed in terms of the styles of babes that they’ve got working for YanksVR. There are tons of both solo and couple videos that feature girls that straight up look like butch lesbian stereotypes. I have nothing against butch lesbians, if they’re an occasional appearance. But it’s hard to masturbate to videos of bald chubby chicks who look like they might pass for dudes. Again, I don’t mean to be transphobic or anything. I just like fapping to babes that give off dainty vibes. Also, a ton of the bitches on here have the weird kind of dyed hair with the purple and pink hues that don’t occur naturally. Tell me that’s not too feminist.
Hot and Not
Some of the girls on YanksVR are absolutely gorgeous. Others… give me nightmares. There are straight up proper butterfaces on this site. I’m not used to seeing this. I guess the price you pay for enjoying content made by women is that they’ll allow ugly bitches in their roster. Go to the models section if you don’t believe me. Scroll around for a minute and take a look at these god awful looking women. I’d bang anywhere down to a 5/10 on the hotness scale, but these babes, they don’t even make that cut. They’re the kind of women you’d need to wear a blindfold for. Or, at the very least put a paper bag over their heads.
Plus, a good number of these girls seem to be allergic to shaving and waxing. This is just about the worst part of feminism. I like all the parts of feminism that deal with emancipation and empowerment, but I don’t understand what could possibly be empowering about embracing ugliness and not shaving your pits. An equivalent to this nonsense would be if I had a neckbeard. Sure, I’m a cool guy and I’m very empowered, but I can’t pretend that neck beards are a good feature to have. I’d blast it off my face with a gun if I had to.
Worth the Subscription?
YanksVR could be worth the sub if it didn’t cost an arm and a fucking leg. They want $40 a month. I wouldn’t pay that even if the girls were attractive. If you pay for a whole year, they only want $190. Again, this is fucking insane. Buy yourself a fleshlight instead. I know that VR content is harder to produce than regular video, but give me a fucking break. They’ve got 4 pages of models only, so no matter how many actual videos they’re giving you, this is not enough pussy for the money. Plus, by my count, 50% of the babes are so ugly that I wouldn’t let them suck my cum out of a used condom. They’re not worthy.
I’m not a particularly picky guy when it comes to the bangability of bitches, but these girls go the extra fucking mile to be ugly as shit. The ugly ones wear less makeup than the cute ones. What the fuck is up with that? Or, maybe the cute ones are cute because they wear more makeup? I don’t know. I don’t care. I’d consider paying $40 a month for this content if there were more videos with more diverse babes and if said babes didn’t sport gremlin faces. As it currently stands, this website is a good effort, but the overall execution leaves me underwhelmed.
Bonus: There is one video on this site that features a man and a woman. I won’t tell you where it is. Try to find it. Pretend it’s a game.
Quality production
Great camera work
Dedicated pornstars
Too many ugly bitches
Not enough variety
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