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Lift & Carry Forum
LandcForum! A chick strong enough to lift heavy objects or weights is a plus. I am not into unfit babes that can't lift a little weight. Out-of-shape gals are a no for me. You can't have an intense fuck session with an unfit chick. You don't want her passing out as she vigorously rides your cock.
Many of you losers find chicks lifting you up thrilling. That is what makes you betas horny. While I am not particularly into girls lifting and carrying me, I understand the appeal. Sex with a chick who has the strength to lift you can get feisty. It is even more intense when they are in charge.
I am not a boob-macho dude who is too insecure to let go in the bedroom. I am confident in my masculinity, so I have no qualms about letting chicks take control of the wheel. I still have hard limits, such as having anything shoved into my ass. I am the only one doing the shoving. It is more pleasurable for everyone involved that way.
Back to lifting and carrying. One place you will find loads of content centered around female lifting is The "LandC" in the site's name stands for Lift and carry. This is what the site is all about. It is dedicated to content and discussion on females lifting other people.
Website Design
Land has a blue and white color scheme which is the color scheme most forums have. The forum has the standard bulletin layout most forums employ. It is divided into four sections, making it easy to navigate.
LandC runs an access level system. What this entails is that the forum has level rewards for its active users. They are given access to more sections than regular members. The levels include Standard, Vip, Indian Vip, Vipos, and Vip Honored.
The standard level is the lowest. It grants access to only a few sections of the forum. Before becoming standard, new members must make at least five posts in the forum's lounge section. An individual's level increases based on participation.
LandC forum has a set of rules to ensure that posts are focused on the forum's theme. The rules also ensure that members' interaction is civil and that they do not post illegal content. The first rule states that the forum is for female's lifting. The forum prohibits posting copyrighted content from its active producers. It also allows only the original creator to redistribute content from the site's VIP section.
LandC prohibits sexual posts involving minors. That is an easy rule to follow, except you are a sick pedophile. You psychos deserve life imprisonment. The forum also prohibits intolerant attitudes towards other members. Thus ensuring communication is civil.
The rules are all easy to follow. There are a couple more rules I didn't state. However, they are all easy to comprehend. The forum enforces its rules by banning defaulters from the site or parts of it. The severity of the punishment depends on the gravity of the offense. You shouldn't have an issue keeping to the rules. Sticking with the rules should be doable if you want to participate in the forum's discussions.
Website Content
LandC Forum has 5 sections: Welcome, Miscellaneous, L&C fun, and Adult L&C. The Welcome section contains the forum's rules and conditions. You don't want to get banned for breaking a rule.
The Miscellaneous section has a place to discuss general topics such as sports, babes, and computers. The section also has a place for advertisement and discussion of contents by lift and carry producers. You can also post content related to female strength in the Miscellaneous section.
The L&C Fun section is the forum's most active place on the forum. There is a place for discussing anything related to lift and carry. There are also places to post pictures and clips of women lifting and carrying other women. You can also post pictures and clips of chicks lifting and carrying in the L&C section.
You wanker don't give a shit about the above sections and are only interested in the Adult L&C section. You horny losers want to know if the site has lots of raunchy pictures of chicks lifting other gals. The Adult L&C section has two forums. First, there is the Adult F/M L&C, where you will find erotic pictures and videos of women lifting and carrying men. The section has over 8,300 posts.
The other adult Forum is the Adult F/F L&C. You will find erotic content that has women lifting and other carrying other women in this section. It has over 18,000 posts making it one of the site's most active sections.
If you fantasize about females lifting, then you should check out It has lots of content to keep you entertained. You should check out the forum if you like to beat your little weenies to erotic clips of chicks lifting and carrying other women. It has lots of content to keep you entertained.
Mobile/Desktop Experience
We make use of our mobile phones more than any other device. A lot of our day-to-day communication with friends, family, and business associates is carried out via our smartphones. I am sure most of you wankers even view porn via your smartphones. I am going, to be honest. I watch porn from my smartphone. It is easier that way. I am not stuck at my desk with my computer fapping. I can conveniently watch porn and beat my meat from anywhere.
LandC Forum is easily accessible from a desktop device. The site loads fast and is easy to navigate from a laptop. Unfortunately, the forum doesn't have a mobile-friendly interface. The site is not optimized for mobile devices. The text is too small, so you have to zoom in to read or engage posts. Having to zoom to view posts and content is tiring.
It is disappointing that an active forum such as LandC has a shitty mobile layout. Even though the site has a lot of active users, a functional mobile site would attract more people to it.
What I like about LandC Forum
I am not into women lifting and carrying, but If I were, I would be swirling in all the female lifting and carrying contents on
The forum has an active community of members discussing and sharing content on lifting. Some of you losers have been dying to talk about how much you enjoy gals lifting you. You don't have to hold back anymore. You can talk without restraints about how much you enjoy chicks lifting you. As of the time of writing this review, there were 510 users online. 125 people were online as members, while 385 guests were online.
The forum's access system, which is admittedly a pain in the ass for new members, is commendable. It encourages members to be more active and helps the forum do away with lurkers. Members will have to consistently make posts to gain access to the forums’ good stuff. Nevertheless, it is a good system that keeps the community active.
The site has a minimal ad experience. The forum has a couple of banner ads. However, it doesn’t have pop-up ads, so surfing is a hassle-free experience. A lot of forums are booty trapped with ads. You can't even click on these forums' webpage without getting redirected to another site. On Landc forum, you won’t be contending with annoying pop-up ads.
What I hate about LandC Forum
LandC forum is a top-tier forum with lots of females lifting and carrying entertainment. You betas that like to be carried would have a swell time accessing the contents on the forum. Still, the forum is lacking in some areas and could be improved to make it better.
The site has a poor mobile experience as the site is not optimized for mobile viewing. The cocksuckers who run the forum need to fix the mobile interface. They should ensure the site's text is easily readable from a mobile phone.
LandC forum is not just a forum, so it does not have a lot of smut. Also, most of the smut isn’t hardcore. So the forum is not on my list of go-to sites for hardcore smut.
Overall, is a decent forum. You will find lots of content centered around female lifting on it. However, the site can't be considered a top-tier porn forum as only the adult Adult L&C is the only porn section. If you are looking to crank one out to hard-core porn, you are in the wrong place, buddy.
Nevertheless, I recommend the site to losers who like being carried by chicks. The forum is packed with female lifting content you betas will have an amazing time viewing. The forum has an active community of like-minded losers with whom you can freely discuss female lifting and carrying.
Active forum with a large community
It is free to use
An active community
A shitty mobile interface
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