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HypnoPics Collective
You ever find a porn site on the internet and ask yourself – how the fuck did I end up here? That pretty much summarizes my experience with HypnoPics Collective. This is an adult forum for fetish lovers of a certain kind. That much is perfectly clear from the get go and I personally have nothing against people coming together to bond over shared experiences and depravities. It’s a great method for making friends and generally having a good time. I want these kinds of perverts to flock together and enjoy themselves. They’re not hurting anybody. Plus, their fetish is ridiculously tame.
HypnoPics Collective is a community of perverts who get excited at the idea of being hypnotized. No, I did not know this was a thing. Maybe I’ve reviewed hypnotism porn in the past, but I’ve somehow managed to block out the memories. I know that a lot of men fantasize about being able to hypnotize women so that they can have their way with them, but this is an even more narrow fetish in that these people actually want to get hypnotized themselves, sometimes. Either way, the focal point of the fetish is the hypnosis itself, rather than how the actual people act once they’re in the trance.
A Weird Ass Forum
I mentioned that this place is weird though and it goes beyond the fetish itself. I felt like I wandered into the wrong neighborhood when I first found this place. They all knew what they were doing with each other and they had their own little internal lingo. Meanwhile, I was sitting there with my cock in my hands trying to figure out where the smut is. There was no smut. These people really like to overcomplicate their fapping experience. Then again, this isn’t a porn site, it’s a fetish forum. It’ll often happen that these kinds of places are more focused on discussing around the fetish rather than indulging in it.
This place doubles as a smut source and a lifestyle guide, featuring the advice of countless individuals who’ve taken this simple fetish and turned it into an artform. They’re very welcoming as fetishists often are. I wasn’t surprised to see this. People usually love sharing their fetish with like-minded perverts. There’s also a lot of instructional shit on how you can get off easier and where you can find smut, but for the most part people here discuss fantastical situations that have to do with hypnosis. It’s a very welcoming home for people who like to stare at watches while they dangle off of a string. The clocks dangle, not the people. Grammar is hard.
A Friendly Community
You can think of HypnoPics Collective as an aspiring home of all things hypnotism related, albeit with a strong sexual tinge. There’s no casual hypnotism here, it’s all for the boners. There are sections on top of sections across the forum with all kinds of coverage from casual discussion to video game exchange. If there’s a bit of arousing content out there that features hypnotism, then the fucks on HypnoPics Collective will find it and talk about it. They’re trying their best to document as much as possible. On top of that they’re probably fapping at the same time.
I noticed that most of the important threads on here feature responses from admins, one in particular speaking from a place of authority as if she owns the place. I think she might actually be behind the site. I’m not sure. Either way, it’s nice to see that the admins are properly active, daily, so that if any issues arise, they will most certainly be fixed quickly. There was a thread by some dude complaining about the size limitation for images and an admin immediately replied in a kind way, asking how much the limit should ideally be increased. Imagine getting that kind of customer service on a free website.
Every bit of HypnoPics Collective is completely free of charge. It’s a community, not a company. It’s entirely built and maintained by the community, not counting the actual initial site setup. 99.9% of the content comes from random users of the site. Sure, the categories were put there by some webmaster, but beyond that everything comes from the hypnotism lovers. They come together in order to glorify this arguably strange fetish that isn’t that common in mainstream spaces.
Inside Jokes and Language
One thing I noticed is that there’s some sort of professional hypnotism lingo that’s relevant and kind of necessary on HypnoPics Collective if you intend to get around. They use the word manip a lot. It was even a part of my captcha when I made the account. It’s supposed to be shorthand for manipulation, referring specifically to hypnotist manipulation. I’m not entirely sure why they needed to spin a new word for it, but there you go. Manip gets said a lot. There’s also the quadruple N which they use in lieu of NSFW tags. Apparently, this site predates the coining of the NSFW tag. That’s how you know they’re bigshots, I guess.
Be warned, the site is going to appear completely barren until you actually sign up for a free account. There’s no hassle, it’s just a free forum login with an e-mail account. They don’t spam you with nonsense either. The system’s mostly in place in order to prevent people from spamming the forum with garbage posts. This way there’s a bit of accountability. Once you log into the site, you’ll see all the actual categories pop up. Before that point you can only see the announcements. I initially thought the forum was dead or something, until I remembered that this could be an intentional filter to keep out the normies. I was right. I made an account and boom, the content appeared.
Tons of Fiction
Speaking of content, there’s sufficient shit here to get you hard and carry you through to an orgasm, if you know where to look. There’s a ridiculous amount of literary erotica on the site, both written by the users and discovered and redistributed. Hell, there are even book recommendations if you’re considering buying some e-books featuring hypnotism. The folks on HypnoPics Collective are really big on role-playing and fiction, since hypnotism is kind of a theatrical gag. I know that it does theoretically exist as such, but it takes professional commitment to pull off and it doesn’t work on everyone. Fiction is very much necessary here.
On the flip side of content, there’s a smattering of actual visual smut, but it’s sort of spread out thin. A lot of the folks on HypnoPics Collective try their best to create their own content or edit pre-existing content to introduce themes of hypnotism. There’s a surprising amount of 3D rendered smut on here. I didn’t think that 3D modelling was so easy that countless hypnotism fetishists would be jumping on the trend, but here we are. That being said, the hypnotism itself is kind of tacked on. If I were into this fetish, I’d probably want a stronger focus on the actual hypnotism, rather than having it be a passing fad within an otherwise standard pornographic work of art.
Try It. It’s Free.
Maybe I’m complaining over nothing, though. It’s not like I understand the fetish to begin with. My bottom line is this: If you want to get into hypno shit, don’t take my advice or my wisdom to heart. Instead, go to HypnoPics Collective and strike up a conversation in general chat. You might also find people willing to dive into a more private chat with you, provided you manage to make a friend. Be nice, please. This place is very dignified, for a fetish forum.
As far as I can tell, there are dozens of active users on the forum at any given moment in time, with thousands coming in and out regularly, so you’re always looking at potential buddies to hang out with. As for babes, well, I’m afraid I haven’t seen that many of them. They’re probably flying below the radar so they don’t get accosted or whatever. Either way, the forum is not very dedicated to guy on girl play as a part of the normal business proceedings. These people are mostly concerned about keeping the fetish alive and that’s all they do.
If you’d like to dive face first into the world of sexual hypnotism play, by all means, join HypnoPics Collective, introduce yourself to the community and take a deep dive into this seemingly endless forum that features years of posts and threads on backlog. You’re unlikely to get bored on here, provided you’re a diehard fan of the fetish.
Super active community
Completely free
Very welcoming place
A bit confusing at first
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