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iXXX Massage
What’s up, freak! Is that cock hanging in there? You’d better find a real girl to touch that thing soon! You don’t want to get Deathgrip syndrome before you can have any real fun! What’s that, you ask? That’s when you’ve been beating off to the nastiest shit on the internet for so long, that you can’t even get hard when a REAL girl wants to give you NORMAL sex. Yeah, it happens. So, make sure to take a break every once in a while! Even someone like me knows there’s more to life than busting to every bitch on the internet! (On my off time, I like to gamble! Haha! You can check out my gambling blog to see some of my favorite platforms.)
Well, anyway, we’re not thinking of taking breaks today! Today, we’re gonna get ready for some real sensual, sexy fun. That’s right! Put away that testicle vice, and get some lavender oil! You’re not gonna be watching anything hardcore for a while! Today, you’re gonna enjoy some slow, high-quality goodness! I’m talking about bitches fucking in the massage parlor!
Sounds like fun, right? I bet you’ve always wondered what that was like. Well, I’m sure there are some parlors that can show you! You’d just have to pay extra! Like a lot extra! For now, you can excite your imagination with some real high-quality videos. Ixxx.com has a giant collection of bitches in parlors banged by their clients! I’m really not kidding when I say giant either. I’d be surprised if Pornhub has this many videos in this category. Then again, this is an aggregate site. So, you won’t be seeing a lot of original content here.
What? You don’t know what an aggregate site is? Holy shit! Read a fucking book! Haha! An aggregate site is a collection of content from other websites. Sites like these pull related content from all over the internet and put it in one place. Is that legal? Of course, it is! As long as the links redirect to the original site, (like yours truly) the sites referenced will only benefit. (You’re welcome, guys).
Knock-off Pornhub
When you enter the site, the first thing you’ll notice is the color resemblance to Pornhub. Except this color isn’t the same Brown Coffee Orange to protect your pretty little eyes when you’re beating your dick at night. This is just good old gold/yellow. So, you’ll just have to turn the screen brightness down when you wack off here! The design of the site looks like it wishes it was Pornhub. It’s a pretty clear cheap rip-off. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it wouldn’t kill to be original. I guess… if it ain’t broke!
You’ll also notice the lack of ads on the page. That’s because they’re exactly where they’re supposed to be, at the very bottom of the page! You’ll also notice that, unlike every other porn aggregate site, you won’t be redirected to a new tab with every other click! That’s right, you can browse those bitches without a single distraction! Although, you will be missing a few things.
Unlike the better sites, there are you can’t see the video previews when you hover over the thumbnails. So if you want to get a taste of the action, you’re gonna have to click on the link and hope to God you’re not flooded with a tsunami of ads. Good fucking luck! You’ll be doing that a lot too! Ixxx.com has over 1 MILLION videos for your pervy ass to enjoy! These guys are determined to get every single piece of good porn content on this fucking site.
Once you’ve had your fill of hot sluts rubbing on dicks bigger than your porn collection, you go to the bottom of the page to see a list of related categories. There’s enough to give you a new fucking fetish! So, be careful tumbling down that rabbit hole! There are some pretty unique categories there! You can even “narrow” your search by choosing tags with an additional category, i.e. “Latina Massage”. Although, it would be a lot better if you used a tag system where you can choose multiple simultaneously.
Sexy Sensual Overload!
Well, first thing’s first. A lot of these videos are some of the most awkward video platforms I’ve ever seen. I landed on a website where clicking “play” opened up a new tab with the same fucking video! I’ve honestly never even seen that before! Having said that though, you’re not gonna be thrown around half the internet with the sites ixxx.com redirects to. Rather than some random site with more malware than porn, you’ll be directed to sites like Xhamster.com and Xvideos. Sure, there are millions of videos. So, some of the sites are barely worth visiting. But, you’ll most likely get to enjoy your video without having to clear a forest of ads!
You can only do so much with one hand, am I right? Haha! You’ll be doing a lot with that hand because out of over 1 million videos I haven’t managed to find one uninteresting one! That’s right, my friend! You’ll be swimming in a sea of the hottest most sensual videos on the internet! And you get to do it all for free, you lucky bastard! Before you know it, you’ll be enjoying videos of girls giving massages you WISH you had!
I saw a video of a girl giving a massage with her fucking pussy! Her fucking pussy! Who even thinks of that!? And, of course, at the end, she just started fucking her client! Man, I wish I had a masseuse like that! Haha! I’ll be thinking about that for the rest of the day.
I also saw a video of some hot blonde about to massage a black guy (who looked WAY too similar to Jon Jones) before she realized how giant his cock was. That bitch got so excited she forgot to massage the guy before fucking him! She went straight to fucking! I mean, she put that cock in her mouth so fast, she damn near got whiplash!
What I Liked
I love this incredible collection of videos for just one genre. I mean, over 1 million?? What the fuck!? I won’t be able to jack off to the entire list if I gave myself the rest of the fucking year! And I’m almost tempted to! Not to mention that most of those videos are HD. That’s over 1 million FREE HD videos. I hope you got that, you lucky bastard! You get to enjoy this genre for as long as you fucking like.
Not only that, but each of these videos is completely unique. So, you’ll be glued to your cock for as long as you want to see oiled-up babes in action!
What I Didn’t Like
While I’m impressed with the sheer number of videos on this site, I can’t help but be a little disappointed. No thumbnail previews? Really? A site like Alohatube at least puts slideshows in the thumbnails so you have an idea of what you’re about to jack off to! With as many videos as this site has, there’s gotta be a way to save time from clicking on and off new windows. How the fuck didn’t you think of that before uploading so many videos?
I really fucking hated some of those sites too. How does clicking on a video open another tab with the SAME video? How the hell does that even happen?
Tips From ThePornDude
I’m a fan of the search page design here. It’s a lot cleaner than other aggregate porn sites. There aren’t any obnoxious ads and damn near all of the thumbnails are in HD. The search experience would be 10 times better if you include some kind of thumbnail video preview. I know you can’t exactly use footage from other sites, but you can implement a slideshow like Alohatube.com. You really should have thought of that before you uploaded so many fucking videos!
Ixxx.com has an insane collection of high-quality and unique massage porn videos. If you want to get your sticky hands into some sensual sexy time, this is a great place to stop! Ixxx.com pulls the best videos from all over the internet. So, while you get to watch the best massage videos online, you’ll also run into really awkward websites. I’m sure you’ll be fine though. You’ll be jacking off to it for completely free! Not a lot to complain about there! Have fun, you animal!
Giant collection of videos
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