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Preg Chan! What's up, super freak!? How’s that cock feel? I hope you’ve given yourself a few breaks. Maybe you should consider letting someone else touch that thing for a change! It couldn’t hurt to feel a new pair of hands, right? Well, I guess you’ll have to go outside for that, and there’s wayyy too much good shit for you to jack off to, haha! Well, I’ve got something else for you to dig your sticky fingers into! How do you feel about anime? Completely exaggerated drawings of girls committing sex acts that could never be possible in real life — and unlike real life, you don’t have to convince them! That’s right, you dirty little weeb, there’s a rise in anime porn that will never be stopped!
But this kind of porn isn’t just any kind of porn. This particular site focuses on one particular fetish — a kind of fetish that’ll leave your friends stunned and disgusted if you were ever to admit having it! Pregchan.com is a dedicated pregnant porn site with all kinds of bizarre content for you to enjoy for hours. There’s shit on here that you won’t be able to see anywhere else! Pregchan has a community of freaky weebs who get off on drawing impossible impressive art of all kinds of pregnant girls. And you can be sure that wherever there’s anime porn, there’s some furry porn close by.
So, whether you’re a closeted furry freak or a loud, unashamed, degenerate advocate of the other-kins, you’ll have a pretty good time with the content here. Oh, and I know I’ve been saying “anime porn” instead of “hentai”. You’ll just have to get over that. I’m way too into REAL women to speak that kind of language. Also, I’m not Japanese, you fucking weeb!
Speaking of which, there are a bunch of posts of real-life pregnant women in sexy poses for you to enjoy! That’s right, there’s content for 3D girls too! You can jack off to pictures of women totally open to being fetishized by pregnant freaks like yourself. And these aren’t pornstars or people with Onlyfans pages either. These are real-life, bonafide, super sluts. They don’t want your money. They simply get off being objectified with a growing person in their stomach! That’s right, my friend! There are women in this world who are just as freaky as you!
Simple Forum Format
So, here’s the deal. As of right now, the original site is under construction. I don’t know what they could possibly be doing to that basic-ass platform. But, they’ll probably make it a lot more fun to use. Once you land on the site, you’ll see a message that explains the construction with a link to what I assume is a temporary site: new.pregchan.com. That’s where you’ll find all the fun for now.
The original site has a creamy yellow and red background, which I guess is pretty on-theme. There’s a broken image over the Title “Pregchan” written in basic font! (Way to give it your all, guys!) Underneath, you can find a collection of (wait for it…) Furry porn! That’s right! There’s a nice little collection of pregnant furries and anime futas to get your cock rearing to go! But, you don’t want to spend too much time on that useless site. The real fun is over at the new domain!
There, with an all grayish-blue theme, you’ll find pretty much the same design, except a little less broken! At the top, there’s a navigation bar. It’s nothing fancy — exactly what you’d expect from any forum site. There, you can navigate to the homepage as well as the featured boards. There’s something written in Japanese that I’m sure you’ll know the meaning of. I won’t because I’m not Japanese and I prefer jacking off to real girls! There’s the same “Pregchan” title after that with a collection of amazingly drawn pregnant girls for you to get off to. Man, some of these pictures are so fucking graphic! There’s just no line when it comes to this shit! Haha!
Below that, you can find the latest images posted by users. Most of them are original content. So, you’ll be seeing something new every day! And you can be sure it’s enough for you to get off to! We all know whoever draw it did! Below that, you can find the latest posts from the site’s users. So, you can keep up to date with all the degeneracy happening on the page!
Big Hot Bellies
Pregchan.com is a hotspot for all the weeb degeneracy you can imagine! Unlike a lot of other anime porn sites that focus on all the fetishes under the sun, (That’s right. I’m still not calling it “hentai”. You’ve gotta just deal with that! Haha!) Pregchan is filled with exclusively pregnant content. Think of any type of anime trope, there’s pregnant porn of it! If it exists, there’s a fucking pregnant porn of it! Oh, and you can be sure to find your fill of furry shenanigans on this site too! The artists are SUPER into it! And there’s no shortage of hot pics of pregnant “3D” ladies either. There’s pretty much everything that can satisfy your sick pregnant fantasies here!
On every board, you have the option to post your own content. Are you a talented artist with a stash of drawings that can never rightfully see the light of day? Well, you’ve finally got somewhere to post it with pride. And you can finally not be the only guy to jack off to it! But, that also means that your precious big-bellied waifu’s no longer just yours to enjoy! Haha!
You might also be competing with some really fucking talented artists! Some of the drawings posted here are fucking phenomenal! I mean, who the fuck has this much time to spend their talent drawing incredible pictures of pregnant high school girls orgasming while squirting milk out their fucking tits? That’s fucking beyond me!
You can head over to the “drawing” boards, to see a bunch of original content. You won’t see art like this anywhere else. So, you’ll be getting the scoop on the hottest pregnant hen-anime porn on the internet! (Haha!) When I went over to the drawing board, the first image I saw was a pregnant guy in a sweater. Who the hell has that kind of fetish? These weebs know no bounds! There was even a comic strip of a muscular Viking-looking dude in bed complaining about his pregnancy. I need to know the kind of people that get off to this shit!
There’s a really good amount of pictures of real pregnant girls too! Like I said, these aren’t pornstars. These aren’t even amateurs! These are just sluts that get off to feeling sexy while they’ve got a stomach the size of a beach ball! I guess I’d want to feel sexy too if I looked like that! Thankfully for them, there’s an entire community of them that damn near bust a nut at just the sight of them! It’s a win-win! Haha!
What I Liked
If you’ve read any of my blogs before, you know I’m a sucker for an active fetish community. It’s not enough to have one place for people to post their shameful desires. But, when people do it every day, you know there’s a place for certain degenerates to call home. It brings a tear to my eye!
Not only that but there’s a bunch of unique content that will blow you away. These artists are really fucking talented. I mean REALLY talented. Sure, some of the drawings aren’t exactly top-notch. (I guess you won’t really care as long as you can get off to it.) But, some of these drawings look like they could have taken days! Even weeks! I mean, who the hell has that kind of time?!
What I Didn’t Like
The chat feature of the site is kind of confusing, and requires a bit of time to get the hang of. It’s pretty much just a forum, but there are no sub-threads for certain conversations. Some of the discussions are messy and hard to follow. Also, you can’t register an account with this site. You’ve got to create a new name every time you post. That’s about the stupidest feature for any social forum I’ve ever seen.
Tips From ThePornDude
I’m guessing this is what they’re working on for the original site. (At least, I’m hoping it is!) But, you’ve got to let users create an account. You can’t just have people post content without anyone being able to tell who it is. This isn’t some shady anonymous forum where users are required to protect their anonymity at all costs. (Well, considering this kind of degenerate content, maybe it is! Haha!)
Pregchan.com is an active community of pregnant crazy weeb freaks to share all their favorite porn content. You can find incredible — and also pretty crappy — drawings of anime waifus with impossibly large stomachs. Furries and real-life humans too! If you’ve got a pregnant fantasy that can’t be satisfied with your everyday anime porn content, this is the place for you, my friend! You’ll receive no judgment for your bizarre desires. I mean, it may seem like I’m judging you right now… But, that’s just because kinda I am. Haha! I mean, you jack off to cartoons! Come on!
Anyway, have fun, you freak!
Unique & original art
No ads
Active community
The chat feature sucks
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