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African Sex Slaves

I mean, these are the types of sites that, once you come by, you start thinking about political correctness and how things will come across. As a preface, I have to say these things so that all you salty feminists don't come at me once again stating that I'm this and I'm that. First of all, fuck you and secondly, I'm going to be stating the obvious. This will be my humble take on what my eyes saw while I was browsing around one of the probably most controversial sites around. Drumroll, please... The site's name is Africansexslaves.com. Now before I go any further, I want to play a game with you. It is called "Fake Politically Correct."

Before we start, I have to have a proper preface for the shit that's gonna go down

Close your eyes and imagine a short person. Got it? Okay. Now, make that person even shorter. Yeah? Got it? Now go even shorter? Good. What's the name of that short person? Correct. You said it in your mind and not me. Now, my point was that when I spell out African, then, sex, and then slaves, I will not be responsible for whatever your mind comes up with. It's all on you. You will be the racist, not me. Now, I can continue with my rant because this site is "da shit!"

Pushing the boundaries of what used to be controversial

Probably one of the most hardcore sites I've seen in a long time, and it is not censored, and it is still mainstream Internet worthy. Africansexslaves.com is a site that revolves around hardcore and brutal BDSM-type sex scenes with black African women who, from what I gathered, at times don't even look that sure what the fuck they signed up for. Some of these things are borderline...what's the word? Borderline "offensive." I will stick with that word, offensive. But, in today's times, you can't have any porn shit that's not legal or not having some form of contract in place. That's why I'm kind of confused as to why the fuck would these bitches agree to this shit. But hey, money makes the world go around.

Sex slave is a very old BDSM tradition that must be protected at all costs

This is one of the truest premium sites on the web. Why? Let's play yet another game. I dare you to go to PornHub and enter African and slave right next to it. I'll wait here, just go on and do it. Got it? See it? Yup, some serious shit right there. Well, PH is not fucking around with these things ever since their scandal, but that's not my problem. The point is, very few are willing to touch these videos regardless of them all being legit, and they follow all the DMCA rules. That just goes to show you that all you feminists are full of shit and are selective with the fights that you are willing to fight. Suck my dick!

The other thing is that even though some of these videos seem hardcore, they are not that hardcore. To each their own, but I am TPD, and I would know the difference between real abuse and when "abuse" is being reenacted for the shock effect. None of these women are that mentally backward that they would accept being whipped by their "masters" and then suck their dicks in a scene that actually requires lights, cameras, angles, costumes, some form of script, and all that glitz and glamour just to make the scene look gritty as fuck. Are you following me so far? It's scripted entertainment. But all you fucks need someone to bring down the fourth wall and dissect how these things work. Just so that you can ruin it for others. Fuck you!

Getting lost in the content is what makes this site so exquisite

Now that the TPD got shit off his chest, let's get back to this extraordinary site Africansexslaves.com, that I enjoyed very much. First of all, it is raw! It is so fucking raw that even I, at times, was like, WTF! Who the fuck in the world would come up with the idea to pour an ashtray full of ashes and cigarettes in a poor woman's mouth? That was messed up, but somehow, since I knew that it was done preplanned, it was as if I was watching a movie, a real sex movie, and I was lost in it. They got me hooked, and I have to say, that's what you want out of porn. You need to lose yourself in the moment, as the song goes.

The whole site is simple yet kind of messy at times

I know I often say that a site needs to have brand recognizability and that a site represents it via its layout and the feel it exudes. Well, Africansexslaves.com nailed it. Now I'm not saying that they preplanned this like they did their scenes while they were filming them. No. I'm saying that there is a chance that they did it by fluke. So what's so recognizable about it? It is a minimalist site, which is a pro and a con simultaneously. 

You don't have regular buttons like Home, Models, and all that shit. They straight up give you the five categories that they have. That's it. Most of the videos are in the Outdoors anyway, but that's one button. Spanking, BDSM, Extreme Teen, and Amateur. That's it. It's just as messy as the videos that they have on the site. This is why Africansexslaves.com align both visually and conceptually. 

Let's get a bit philosophical regarding BDSM and some other things

I have seen thousands and thousands of porn sites and porn material, but I always get excited when I see innovation within the industry, but most of all within the actual content. Africansexslaves.com actually managed to do something that even I thought was impossible. To shove a huge cock down feminists' asses. That's the first thing, and the second is to combine two very controversial concepts that, in today's time, is very hard to do. They took the very "racist" idea of a black woman being subjugated by a white male and managed to make it work. Is your angry writing hand shaking yet, Karen?

Because the narrative is not about race, it is about BDSM. For all you judgy assholes out there who still don't understand BDSM, this is a sexual lane that is VERY liberating to women. I might even say empowering. You must get educated about these things before opening your judgmental asshole woke mouths. So when you have these two flamboyant and controversial concepts, and on top of it all, you manage to put them together and make them work, my God, you just created a Minotaur!

How much mulah is this all going to cost?

For a site like Africansexslaves.com every penny is worth it. They are accepting Euros, though, so be aware. The annual membership will run you 7.91. If you are looking for a 3-month membership, it will be 23.32, and for 30 days, 28.95. The best option is to go annually and get those discounts but most of all, because this site is worth it. There are few sites that I've seen so far that go that hardcore and do a great job at it. Mind you, this is a BDSM site. This is for those fans only. The rest of you misogynist fucks can get the fuck out of here because TPD is not condoning your bullshit and your twisted ways of sexual deviancy. Go fuck yourselves!

Coming to an end

As I mentioned before, I saw plenty of content in my life. BDSM was always something that was kind of funny to watch, and it was intriguing, but it never rocked my boat. I'm more of a freak kind of a guy. BDSM is a God damn discipline that has all these rules and mindsets as to why it's arousing and sexually pleasing to these people. I have no desire to be whipped and slapped or spat on. No one will tell me that I'm a worthless piece of shit, that my tits are saggy, and that I'm less than maggot’s piss. But, to each their own, they get off on these things. That's why I respect it, understand it and think that Africansexslaves.com did a masterful job with its content.

Never before seen BDSM inspired content

Raw, filthy, grimy, and amazing

They will bring that borderline real feel to each scene

The site is way too simple

It gives off a scam vibe

They should organize it more


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