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Amateur Voyeur Forum
There are a lot of beautiful girls out there who are amateurs. All those gorgeous, busty pornstars you love today used to be an amateur before! While some stay amateur, that's where a forum like Amateur Voyeur comes in. This is a forum that got its beginnings back in 2000. I will get into how reflective that long ago date is on the forum. The hope of the forum is to capitalize on the love of amateurs. They're raw, horny sexual beauty and sex. Just a girl looking to have herself a good time.
Or perhaps you're spying on a girl while she's trying to relieve herself! Hmm, it all depends on what you're hungry for, to be honest. Amateur Voyeur provides all the genres of voyeurism with ease and since it's a forum, it's organized, and simple to understand.
Design - Bring Back the A-Track
I know someone out there had a reaction to me saying, "bring back the a-track." I just know it. That's exactly what Amateur Voyeur makes me feel like, though. Okay,maybe not the A-Track but those old MP3 players? Not an iPod. Too recent for this forum. But it is old. They got their beginnings all the way back in 2000 and haven't touched a hair since. You'd ideally like to roll with the times. Seeing as this is a premium forum - yeah, I know - you'd want to keep things looking fresh.
Regardless, Amateur Voyeur has this red theme going on with their site. It works well along with their cartoon banner as the forum's header. The red theme, as I said, works fine, but as you start pulling back the layers and getting into these other areas, it can get a little tiring. It'd be fine if only the bold titles were this bright, strong red. And then everything else following it was a simple black text. But they've kept this text for everything.
Also, there are some icons on this site that make strong callbacks to the year 2000. A lot of these icons aren't even used like this anymore or don't even appear on more modern day forums. When I got into viewing posts made by people, I noticed that instead of having the profile information on the left hand side, they're on top. So, you'll read the person's profile information first and then get into what they're posting. It's an odd choice and one that's not seen all that often.
Content - Amateur & Voyeur Porn
What I can appreciate about Amateur Voyeur is their attention and awareness to separate the different types of content. Everything isn't just tossed in carelessly for people to go and "figure out." The very first piece of content they offer, which I didn't expect, was original content. Amateur Voyeur has a dedicated section where members of their forum can post content (porn) created by them! I even noticed the community getting together and hosting massive contests where people can share their pussies or take photos of their girlfriend's fat ass.
Then, we start getting into the observing and love of amateur voyeurism. They have two sections on this forum: one for amateur photos and videos and another for exhibitionism. Both of these first two sections have their content hosted by the forum. People posting here are uploading to the forum which, I'd think, would make people more comfortable to enjoy.
The other sections are the two but that content is hosted on other sites. When I looked, people were linking folks to outside sites to download porn. Always take things like this with caution. But it seems as though the community is very trusting of each as every section is popular and active.
Amateur Voyeur has touched on every sort of genre when it comes to amateur porn and voyeurism. Amateur girls fucking, girls pissing in public, amateur teens, and even being naked on the beach. There is an itch to be scratched with every amatuer or voyeur piece of porn on this forum.
Creatively Sexual (The Positives)
Seeing as this is an amateur voyeurism forum that's all about spying on horny women, it does a little bit of everything. Thing is, it's not like it's just touching on things and letting them go without any proper attention. These ideas work and people are loving every minute of what the forum has to offer them.
The big thing for me about Amateur Voyeur is their original content section. I never expected something like this to be here. Sure, having a forum where people can enjoy amateur voyeurism is one thing. But allowing that same community to then show themselves off and be who they are in a place like this is amazing. Not only are they enjoying amateur porn but they're getting into it themselves.
So, how far could they go with it? Amateur Voyeur could've just let people post nude photos and videos about themselves. Maybe include some videos of them masturbating or fucking. Instead of taking the easier route, they've allowed their community to get creative. People started making contests about ass and pussy. Telling people to take photos of themselves or their significant other and post it to see if they'll win.
These people are so fucking horny.
Another high point came when I started getting into the other forms of content. This is more of the porn that people have found and are looking to share with the community. For content that's hosted locally on the forum, just attach it to the post, and go. When I view these, they don't have the links or file size since they've uploaded what they want to the forum itself.
Once I'm outside of those areas, when people start uploading off-site, then the links and file sizes start coming through. There is then the information about becoming a "premium member" of the forum. This information is explained quite clearly on the forum. Some posts will have this attached to them so you'll know. It's basically all about removing the limiter on how much you can download and increasing your download speed.
I like that they're clear in explaining that sort of thing.
Problems on Repeat (The Negatives)
These negatives will be easy and clear. The first is, of course, the design of the forum. On both mobile and desktop, the theme is old and tired. It's not like it's terrible - not entirely. It just needs some love pumped into it. We're not in 2000 anymore. It's time to realize people are using smartphones and websites don't look like this anymore.
The other issue will be the way the text is colored. This sort of goes back onto the theme of the website. The red theme is nice but not everything needs to be red text.
Finally, there is no information about this "premium membership" other than certain posts. What I found is that, when you're in the sections where people have posted off-site, some posts will have this footer on their post which talks about signing up to be premium. Why isn't this more clear in its own announcement post on the main forum page?
Be Clear and Firm (My Suggestions)
First suggestion: fix you're fucking design. It's not 2000 anymore. Try and freshen up the blog. Become a forum that looks like it gives a damn about the people that are still using it all these years later.
My final suggestion is all about being more clear as a whole. There is an option to sign up for something that is premium on this forum. A way of spending money to ensure you can download as much amateur, voyeuristic porn as you want. This should be written somewhere on the main site as people scroll through. I was surprised that there was nothing there at the very top about announcements or things written by the admins of the forum. This is a good time to introduce something like that and talk about the features and options of the forum.
In Conclusion
Amateur Voyeur is like bringing out the binoculars and spying on that busty cutie across from you. Watching her take off her bra and get naked before going to bed. Maybe using her vibrator after a long day to give herself some pleasure. Amateur Voyeur provides so many ways of enjoying amateur and voyeur porn.
They even provide their community with a large canvas of creating their own original content to share with other members.
Original Community Made Content
Amateur, Voyeur Porn
Content Uploaded to the Forum
Lack of Proper Communication
Old, Tired Design (mobile/desktop)
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