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Milovana sounds like they should have their own commercial while you're watching late-night TV. It comes on, some sexy woman's voice whispering through the speakers. She wants you to come and explore your sexual fantasies or to find new ones. Milovana is all about "exploring" as their tagline says at the top of their forum. With that, it may seem as though the content on the site isn't enough to keep interest. Just by looking at it, there are only a few categories mashed into "General."
But, if you're unfamiliar, forums are pumped full of content by the members. If people are interested and engaged in the topics going on, then the community will be active. A forum like this, created back in 2006, serves a purpose of bringing like-minded, horny ass people together.
Design - Lacking Excitement
It'd be nice if the folks behind Milovana would realize that we're not in 2006 anymore. What was once "okay" and "fine" back then is just old and tired now.
I'll start with desktop viewing. Forums, at the very least, are clean and organized. Milovana at least has that going for them. They've labeled their three sections fine and added some sub-sections inside them. They could probably separate a few of these mashed into "General" just to provide some more conversations inside of them. You can separate things out and create areas that are more specific for certain discussions. That's a part of their design flaw but not a flaw on the people just enjoying themselves, you know?
The color scheme is okay but it's not something that is done all that often now. Typically, you'd have a white background with text on it. This gray background with text is pointing you right in the direction of the past, honestly. Once I got into the threads, the way those are set up are fine. People are able to clearly express what they want and even add pictures which offer a nice splash of color to everything.
Flipping over to my phone, Milovana really does a terrible job. Maybe it would look good on a tablet but I don't understand why the site is so wide. I have to move my thumb over to slide the page just to see everything or even read posts. Also, forums, on the main page, offer information on the different subsections. They give you things like the latest posts, how many posts are in that section, and the number of topics.
On mobile, that information isn't there. All that's there is the name of the sub-section, it's brief description, and nothing else... So, not only is it a terribly formatted mobile port but it's also lacking critical information that forums always have.
Content - Exploring Sex
Milovana has quite a bit of interesting content to read about and soak up. At first glance, I didn't quite know what was going on with some of these threads. Some you download videos or even scripts. And that bit got me. A lot of people using Milovana create their own content. Some create games, forum games, others are writing naughty, erotic stories. Then comes a topic called "webteasing," which I had no idea what the fuck it was. Luckily, someone wrote a thread giving people some insight into what the hell it is. For the webteasing area, people can share their new teases and others can come in and discuss what should be changed or added to it.
There's also a dedicated page to webtasing on Milovana that's kind of like a journey of written porn with images. It may not be for everyone but it's worth exploring a little bit. One of the thicker spots here on Milovana is their "All and Everything" section. This is just a huge messy wet spot of everything sexual that people would ever talk about it. Places like this are always fun and is the spot where people hangout. What comes in second for popularity is their "Games" section. People can create naughty forum games and they seem to be enjoying them.
Their "On Video" thread section is all about discussing porn videos. I've even found people posting some videos and asking about the pornstars in it. Others are creating their own versions of the classic porn game "Cock Hero." How long can you survive? Other areas include talking about remote-controlled sex toys and people giving reviews on sexual products, too.
A Sex Adventure (The Positives)
Forums are all about community and that's a topic Milovana nails right off the bat. Aside from maybe not separating their threads out a little bit more, to give them their own spaces, people are interacting with everything. Forums leave nothing behind unless you just decide not to show it. But the numbers are there for Milovana to show new people that they're community is still very much engaged and excited to be there.
Their "All and Everything" section is a showcase of the community. Users here are engaging in multiple ways from sharing fetishes and kinks to posting all sorts of porn media. Then, moving away from your standard talk, Milovana allows their users to get creative. This is something that rarely happens and, like I said before, I had no idea what the fuck "webteasing" even was.
Milovana has come with something truly different. Their webteases are a fun take on erotic storytelling. There is a more traditional writing area for people to express in just writing. But for those who are interested in storytelling with photos, webteases are for them. Their UI for this, on their "Webteases" page, features some easy to use buttons for flipping through that horny book. Their section on the forum for their webteases is a good pair for the main page. People here are discussing their webteases, talking about upcoming ones they're working on, and people can comment with their likes or dislikes.
The same mentality is there when you get into their writing section. People sharing stories and others posting their thoughts about what they've just read. It's all sex, all the fucking time. I absolutely love the vibes they've decided to breathe into Milovana since their beginning.
Bad Choices (The Negatives)
The largest dark spot for me with Milovana is their bad design choices. Sure, it's old and outdated but the lack of attention for mobile users is a large issue. Many, many people use their phones now. They won't always want to be on a standard desktop computer or a laptop. We're all moving around nowadays on the train, the bus, walking around, sitting in a cafe. Everything needs to be accessible via a phone or even a tablet. This wideout view of Milovana is an issue on phones.
Toss in the lack of information that is clearly missing when you go from a computer to a phone, we have a problem.
Be More Social (My Suggestions)
Milovana could capitalize on being as social as they are. Try and breathe more life into the idea of people communicating with each other. The same way people are sharing their sexual fantasies and exploring them should be just as easy on a phone. What I'd suggest is to first overhaul the overall aesthetic of Milovana. We're not in 2006 anymore. Improve it, make it more modern.
Then, create a phone app that can be downloaded from the Milovana website. Create something that is based off the new design of the website for people to have on their phone. What's better than pulling up a browser: tapping an official app. There would need to be some work done to the webteases. They would need a brand new UI to work better on phones and be made to fit a bit better, too.
It's some hard work but one that could benefit Milovana in the long run.
In Conclusion
Milovana sticks true to their tagline of "exploring fantasies." Discussions vary on the forum from remote-controlled sex toys to kinks and fetishes. People are even getting creative by writing erotic stories and showing off their recently released webtease. Milovana provides so many outlets for people to express their sexual fantasies and to explore those from other people.
Engaged Community
Sexual Topics
Webteases & Story Writing
Lack of mobile attention
Bad Forum Aesthetic
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