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Unwed Chastity Forum
I think I might have accidentally found a cult. At first, I thought this was a role-playing website with a really deep devotion to the overall play. I thought that these people were getting together to make-believe like they’ve been stuck in chastity belts by someone more powerful than them and they’re now getting off to each other’s fake stories. Then, I dug further and realized that these fuckers are dead serious. Then again, this is the internet, so I can’t prove anything, but from what I can see, these people are genuinely in love with chastity belts for the sole purpose of saving themselves for marriage. I don’t even mean saving their hymens – I mean, they’re saving orgasms for marriage. This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my entire life.
Either way, the site is here. It’s in the name. UnwedChastity. These people are saving themselves for marriage and very few of them cite some serious religious reasons, though I’m sure there’s a lot of that happening behind the scenes. For the most part the common thread on this site is the consensus on the actual importance and value of chastity belts. So, in theory, these people could come from vastly different religious and ethnic backgrounds. As long as the chastity belts are in play, these people will be vibing.
Chastity with Friends
So, what’s the point of having a forum for this nonsense? Well, it’s about cooperation, advice and general information sharing. This is unfortunately not a smut forum. There’s almost no smut to be found among these pages I’m afraid, which makes perfect sense when you consider that these people go out of their way to prevent themselves from masturbating or having sex. More to the point, this forum is entirely focused on female chastity for some reason. Male chastity is covered, of course, but it’s nowhere near as important as female chastity for some reason. This forum seems to have been put together with a very narrow purpose.
What I find really confusing is that these people are deeply invested in the lifestyle of wearing a chastity belt, for as long as possible essentially, for the purpose of protecting their sexual innocence. Putting aside the fact that this is completely insane, a lot of these people are underage. Technically, they’re not breaking any laws. Hell, no-one is. But they often discuss about how they give the keys to their chastity belts to their fathers so that they may be handed over to their husbands at their wedding day. This is … fucked up shit, not going to lie. Again, I’m not criticizing the religious beliefs behind this nonsense, only the actual locking up of vaginas.
Sanctity of Vaginas
You need to understand that to me, vaginas are sacred. They’re the place we came from and they’re the place we want to go at all times – not the same vagina, mind you. We want to go into a new one. It’s like an import-export gig. Come out of your momma, come into someone else’s momma. Simple. My point is, vaginas have been a major driving force in my life ever since I discovered their general existence. I adore them to hell and back. I can’t imagine a world in which vaginas are locked away like that, not allowed to run free and live their best lives. The people on UnwedChastity want such a world to come into existence. They want everyone to wear chastity belts so that sex and masturbation are impossible. This is blasphemy!
I’ll be fair and say that both according to the rules of the site and according to the opinions of most people on UnwedChastity, forcing people to wear chastity belts is 100% forbidden. You can’t even discuss it on the forum without getting in trouble. That’s great, for every single fucking reason. It does sort of imply that every single person on this site who is wearing a chastity belt is doing so voluntarily, which I cannot for the life of me understand. How could you voluntarily give up the right to access your own snatch? It sounds bonkers. It sounds like these people have been taking crazy pills.
Not a Fetish Site
Another thing I found hilarious is that I’m reviewing UnwedChastity as a fetish site, but it’s actually the exact opposite. They don’t want to be considered a fetish site. They’re a lifestyle forum that discusses the lifestyle of living with a chastity belt. It’s supposed to be a clean and secular experience with no faps or boners. Logically, they can’t have either, on account of the belts. Either way, as an outside observer, I find their shenanigans to be quite sexual and extremely fetishistic, so I decided to cover the site regardless. I mean, it’s a free online forum, of course I’m going to encourage you to fap to it.
That being said, without a steady supply of images it’s going to be really difficult to actually find something to fap to, unless you’re turned on by the mad ravings of insane virgin bitches who want to sequester their vaginas behind steel plating. If you’re into random nonsensical gibberish, you’ll more than get your fill on UnwedChastity. You could also jump into the male section in case you’d like to indulge for a moment the idea of locking your cock away. Please don’t do it. Your cock might not be perfect like mine, but it hasn’t done anything wrong. Don’t punish it for no reason.
Women Have Rights or Something
Down the vein of UnwedChastity being a den of insane people, you will often find users of the forum commenting their earnest beliefs about female autonomy. They outright admit that they believe that women shouldn’t be allowed to choose whether or not they wear chastity belts. Apparently, their husbands or fathers should be the ones to make that decision for them. Now, I mentioned that forced chastity belts are forbidden and that stays true here. The logic behind this madness is that apparently the wife or daughter in question simply must agree with what she is told by her figures of authority. Seriously, these people are dead-ass stuck in the Middle Ages. I might not be anyone’s idea of the ideal feminist, but for fuck’s sakes, let women make their own decisions about their bodies, you mad fucks.
If this happens to be some sort of 4D role-playing site where everyone’s in on the joke, I’ll admit, they tricked me. I genuinely believe that these are real stories and by golly did they have me all kinds of upset. It’s not the general idea of chastity belts that offends me. I don’t care what people put on their genitals, whether it be for orgasmic purposes or some religious nonsense. Do whatever you wish with your body and all that. But, these discussions about how women have to be locked up because they can’t be trusted with their own vaginas, this is fucked up shit.
This Place is Dry
I think you’re going to find it really difficult to receive any kind of sexual satisfaction from any of the content on UnwedChastity, but you’re welcome to try. Personally, I think that this entire goddamn place is a fucking nightmare full of seriously unhinged individuals, but hey, it’s a free internet, right? At the very least UnwedChastity has accidentally become the prime source for technical information on chastity belts. If you’ve got a question that has to do with acquiring, wearing or maintaining a chastity belt, odds are you’ll find a ton of experts on UnwedChastity. All you have to do is ask.
Also, for a bunch of whacked out weirdos, these people are surprisingly kind to one another, especially when someone says something out of line. They judge, sure, but they don’t take it too far. They keep it clear and concise. I haven’t seen any long form disses or whatever. The conversations on UnwedChastity are very dignified.
Finally, I should note that this is a perfectly free website. It’s a forum and it comes with all the functionalities and limitations of a forum. Meaning, you can post text and images and that’s about the end of it. There are a bunch of preset categories for you to dive into, the main ones being male and female chastity. You’re free to discuss damn near anything you want as long as it loosely relates to the topic. You’re also extremely likely to find someone to talk to, since updates are clearly coming in every few minutes or so. Tons of people are basically living on UnwedChastity.
Female autonomy died on this site
Locking up before marriage
No smut on this site
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