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iWank Amputee
It has been brought to my attention as of late that some people think I’m losing my edge. Apparently, I’m not perverted enough. I don’t go hard in the sauce. I’m here to punch back, motherfuckers, with some disgusting amputee smut on Iwank. These guys rake in content from other websites, they don’t host their own shit. They just sort of curate, sort and offer previews for smut that can be found elsewhere. To that end, they’re here to show you a proper mixed bag of amputee smut with an ample amount of unpredictability. One or more limbs will be missing. That’s all you know. Everything else is up to chance. I like this method of fapping. It keeps me on edge. My boner really likes surprises. I’m personally not a huge fan of amputee stumps, but hey, I’m a pervert by nature. I’ll adapt.
Personally, I think the best use of a stump, if you have one, is that you can use it as a natural dildo. And before you tell me that your limbs are too thick for that allow me to remind you that dragon dildos exist. Those things are very much thicker than your wrist and bitches shove them so far up their vaginas that the tips protrude out of their fucking throats. Women are insane. They’re also insanely flexible. If you have a stump of some sort, shove it in a babe. Then, when dudes ask you how you lost a limb you can 180 the conversation and tell them that your stump has been deeper inside a woman than their cocks ever will. It’s a hell of a flex. Imagine losing your leg, then shoving what’s left of it inside a woman’s snatch. That’s Chad behavior.
Girls with Stumps
Naturally, the most popular form of amputee smut on Iwank is the kind of smut that features babes. Most of said content features girls with a missing arm or leg who just sort of lounge around their homes in front of a camera, naked of course. They play with toys, they rub their bodies, sometimes they even take showers. Either way, you get to see a lot of them and their stumps in all kinds of solo sexual situations. These girls are basically just trying to make some money on the internet same as any other camwhore, they just naturally fall under a special tag that makes them a rare breed. Talk about making the best out of a bad situation, am I right? I’m happy to see that the world of porn is so welcoming of people with disabilities. They say that people who are affiliated with porn lack moral character, but the way I see it, the world of porn is accommodating to all forms of bitches. This is true moral virtue, leftists!
On the flip side of girl stumps we’ve got tons of videos in which girls are getting plowed. They’re the object of affection, naturally. You’re here to fap to them. The guys are mostly just here to provide the cocks. What I found really interesting about these sex tapes, if you can call them that, are that they’re mostly amateur productions. You’d think there would be more professional porn videos featuring girls with stumps. Hell, it’s not that hard to produce. It’s regular porn with fewer steps. Get it? Fewer steps? Because girls with no legs can’t walk up steps? Hah! I make myself laugh sometimes. I’m slowly devolving into a boomer, though.
Non-Sexual Amputee Content
This really caught me by surprise, even though it shouldn’t have. There are a few fetishes out there that are centered around inherently non-sexual content, meaning there’s no need for the fappers to see vaginas or any kind of penetration in order to get aroused as long as their object of affection is in frame. The most common example of such a fetish is foot fetishism. Foot fetishists see a foot and they fap. They don’t have to also see tits or ass or a blowjob. As long as there are feet, those fetishists fap. You get a similar experience with amputee porn, apparently. I wasn’t really aware of this.
I don’t know if it’s the amputation itself that makes these fappers hard or if they just like seeing the female body warped out of normalcy, but there are countless videos on Iwank that seem to suggest that people are fapping to videos of amputee girls just sort of generally existing and minding their own business. There are videos of this nature on Iwank dating back to the fucking 50s. I’m serious. I actually found a black and white video that showcases a girl with a fake leg just … showing off her new leg. That’s all she does. There’s no sexual content. She’s not naked. She’s just missing a leg. Apparently, thousands of people find this shit fap-worthy. Why, I do not know. But, if you’re fucked up in a similar way, by all means, check out Iwank’s selection. They really went far and wide with these videos.
Retro Amputee Smut
I’m used to seeing old porn on sites like Iwank, because there’s no algorithm in place pushing new smut to the top in promotional efforts. Iwank just shows you whatever the fuck you asked to see, with no real preference in release date, especially since these videos’ original release dates aren’t embedded in the files. In other words, if a video from the 60s was uploaded yesterday then it is officially one day old as far as the site is concerned. This leads to an unintended temporal mix of content where you essentially get to see amputee videos that were made a week ago right next to videos of amputee babes that were recorded in the 90s on a camcorder. I actually love this more than you’d think.
Yes, sure, the older porn is in a smaller resolution. But look, we don’t complain about porn resolutions if we’re given the highest possible resolution available. It’s not Iwank’s fault that camcorders sucked ass in the 90s. These guys are doing their best and giving you all of this smut for free, so don’t bitch about it. You’ve got your free smut and they get to run their ads for click revenue. Point is, there’s a ton of retro smut on Iwank featuring amputees from almost a hundred years’ ago. I mean, the oldest video I found looked like it was made in the 50s so I’m kind of stretching the hyperbole here, but more than 50 years is almost 100 years in my book. Deal with it.
The Amputee Lifestyle
Believe it or not, there’s an implied subgenre of amputee porn that deals in the amputee lifestyle exclusively. Meaning, there are tons of videos on Iwank that show off how people with amputations live their lives. These videos mostly feature girls, though the occasional dude amputee will show up here and there. The idea behind these videos is very clearly to show how these people live their lives around obstacles that you would expect them to otherwise have a problem with. It shows them putting on their fake legs or getting into the shower and no not in a sexual way.
Half of the videos on Iwank make me feel like I’m watching a documentary on amputations rather than a porn clip. I don’t blame Iwank for this. I blame you. These videos wouldn’t be here if people weren’t actively blowing loads to them. It would appear that this is exactly what the average amputee lover wants to see – videos of amputee babes existing in three dimensional spaces. By all means, guys, fap your dicks clean off – that way you too can be amputees. I’m just joking, don’t get your panties in a twist.
Charitable Pussy
The final type of amputee porn on Iwank features regular babes with 4 limbs fucking dudes who are missing a limb or two. I call these charitable videos because they clearly have this underlined tone of pity. The babes aren’t aroused by the dudes and celebrating their sexual depravity. They’re doing the guys a favor. Hell, even in the titles of the videos you get the sense that the person who uploaded the video takes pity on the guy and is generally surprised that the guy managed to score a babe in the first place. It’s a bit offensive, but not so offensive that anyone should have a problem with its general existence.
At the end of the day, these are videos that showcase amputee dudes with huge cocks fucking hot babes. At its core, that kind of action just goes to show that it doesn’t matter how many limbs you’re missing as long as you’ve got game. It’s a message I can get behind.
Hot chicks
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Wheelchair accessible
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