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Scrolller Pregnant
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Scrolller Pregnant
Don’t worry, I’m not going to start off yet another pregnant porn review with a long-winded explanation on how fucking pregnant bitches is redundant. We’ll move past that immediately and dive into what Scrolller has to offer. This section is actually about more than just pregnant porn, per se. You’ll notice from the URL that there are several other lateral fetishes that fit really nicely within the formula. You’ve got the standard pregnant porn with some body variations like petite and slightly pregnant. This is all cookie cutter pregnancy porn. Then, there’s the slightly fucked up shit like cuck pregnancy and inflation with a tag that straight up just reads as “expandolicious”. No, that’s not a word, but you can surmise from context that they’re referring to that Japanese fetish that involves women exploding into gigantic blobs of organic mass. I don’t know how that’s hot. I don’t know how most things are hot. I’m reviewing fetish porn. I am out of my element.
The smut on Scrolller is top notch stuff, even if most of it is in fact in JPEG form. There are the occasional short clips as well, but the images are the focal point. All of this content is drawn in from Reddit, as far as I can tell and that’s a great place to be sourcing themed pornography, especially when there’s room to see amateur productions. And boy are there are lot of amateur productions here. Reddit has been drawing in the independent sluts for years now, encouraging them to get naked for free, in order to grow a following of some sort that they can cash in on later. Some of them just get naked for the hell of it. Either way, you get a gigantic free influx of smut that you can’t find on professional porn sites, because it’s all homemade. That counts for maybe 90% of the smut here.
Hot Pregnant Bitches
Let’s start this off on a high note. There are indeed some hot-ass pregnant babes on Scrolller. There’s actually a photo of Piper Perri who apparently got pregnant. I wasn’t aware of this. It’s not like I look up pornstars to keep tabs on their love lives. I just jack off to their work. That’s my way of showing respect. Anyways, that tiny little vixen has managed to get herself knocked up and now she’s walking around with a giant belly. She’s still a mini-human though. That girl was always a twig. Now, she’s a twig with a 10-pound parasite in her stomach. If you like hot babes and you’re a pregnancy fetishist, she’s the perfect match for you. Fap to her photos until she gives birth and resets back to twig form.
It's not just Piper Perri that’s got my head spinning. Scrolller is loaded with hot babes that are clearly used to being naked on camera, though they haven’t done so professionally from what I can tell. These are aroused wives sitting around at home with nothing better to do, so they take nudes and post them online, proudly. Hell, most of these photos were put on subs that require photo verification so you know that these girls intended for their photos to be fapped to by strangers online. That just makes the whole experience so much more arousing. I like it when a woman acts like a sex object on purpose. It makes the parasocial relationship that much more satisfying.
Humiliation and Dominance
For reasons that are beyond me, there’s a natural connection between pregnancy fetishism and cuck nonsense, at least on Scrolller. And sure, the cuck tag in the URL helps, but it’s not like the tag itself invents the content – these images were taken by someone with the express intent to appeal to cucks. Most of these images can’t exactly convey the cuck ideology in visuals alone, so they come with some text on top that sells you on a story. You’ll see some pictures of naked pregnant wives who talk about how the baby isn’t really their husband’s. Then, they might instruct the husband to do something humiliating like leave the apartment so that a man with a significantly bigger penis could come over for a quick fuck.
You also get impregnation stories in which the wives instruct the husbands to suck the foreign cum out of their pussies. It’s classic cuck shit. These are rarer on account of how a woman being impregnated isn’t technically pregnant yet, i.e., her belly is flat. The sub focuses far more on women with huge bellies, 6 months pregnancy and above. There are a few images here and there that delve into earlier pregnancy, but not without proper framing that indicates that the bitch in frame is indeed pregnant. You can’t just post pictures of a woman who’s just been impregnated and call it pregnancy porn. It doesn’t work like that.
Extreme Levels of Quality
This week alone, I’ve reviewed more than a dozen premium porn sites that provide lesser content than what you get on Scrolller. This pregnancy porn is to die for. The girls behind it really know how to use a fucking camera. I’m sure that most of them are just using their phones, but they’re good phones, damn it. We’re living in the future. Professionally produced porn from 2008 looks worse than a modern sex tape shot on an iPhone. You know it, I know it and the pregnant bitches know it.
Given that this content comes in from Reddit, you can see a lot of what I like to call the Reddit pose. Girls put their phones a few feet away from themselves, relatively low, pointed up at their faces, making sure their bodies are in the shot, then they take a step back and pose. Most of the photos on here show the entire girl’s body, but they’re also narrowly focused on the subject. You don’t get wide angle shots of their bedrooms. You only really see the goods.
Getting Freaky for Love
Opposite the cuck shit, you’ll also find a lot of romantic crap that was made by loving couples who are expecting. This content is also surprisingly hot. Husbands know how to extract the most value out of their wives when they’re making custom homemade porn. You’re basically fapping to someone else’s personal sexual fantasy and this works amazingly well. You get all kinds of innovative shots of pregnant babes wearing nipple clamps, sucking cock, playing with cum and whatever the fuck else their husbands come up with. Plus, the girls are extremely aroused, since they’re basically drowning in pregnancy hormones, so the whole goddamn play comes across as a dream come true.
A lot of these people even take before and after shots that are spaced months apart. You don’t need any further proof that these girls are natural whores with a talent for porn making. If you’re afraid that you will never get to impregnate a woman yourself and you’d like to live vicariously for a quick minute, you can check out some of the countless posts on here made by women who know how to stare into the camera and sell you on a story. They play romantically, but they play alone. They interact with you. It’s POV shit. They want you to have the unique experience of feeling fake love coming in from a pregnant babe on your screen. You can make believe like you’re about to be a father. Then, when you’re done fapping you can close your laptop and go back to being a normal human male with a bright future ahead of him.
Some Fucked Up Shit
Did I mention that Scrolller has an abundance of inflation porn? Yeah… apparently this is an analogue of pregnancy porn, somehow. You end up with roughly the same content, except instead of the focus of the narrative being on the pregnancy, it’s more about the size of the belly and how much a woman can engorge before she straight up develops a gravitational field. These types of posts come in normal and hentai form. The hentai shit is truly fucked up, because artists can pretty much inflate their imaginary women all they want with no repercussions. Regular women on the other hand have to contend with either being fat or being pregnant. Just as a disclaimer, there’s no actual fat porn on here. You might see a fatty or two, but that’s just collateral damage.
Pregnancy porn is ridiculously varied in every possible sense. All you know for sure is that you’ll get to see at least one naked pregnant babe. Beyond that, everything’s a dice roll. Some of these babes are ugly, others are perfect 10s. Some of them are posing nude, others are choking on cock. Hell, there are even pregnant lesbians on here, which is a concept so ridiculous that it’s making me think that maybe we’ve gone too far as a society. Pregnant… lesbians. Let that sink in for a moment.
The content never ends
Gorgeous babes
Fucked up shit
Some hentai
Nothing much
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