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The Real Workout! There will never be enough mainstream porn sites. That must be TeamSkeet’s motto, because they refuse to stop adding new sites under their network. In theory, they don’t have to do this. They could just film the same content they would normally make and publish it under any of the countless sites they already have. I call them sites, but they also technically count as channels so don’t be surprised if I use the terms interchangeably. Today, we’re looking at TheRealWorkout. It is yet another TeamSkeet production with no real originality to it what-so-ever. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not here to bash TheRealWorkout. I actually really enjoyed this site. By the end of this review I’ll be selling you on it, just you wait. But before we get to that point, I have to get my pornographic pseudo-philosophy out of the way – I don’t understand why we need new channels for every little niche under the sun.
I know that this shit helps with marketing. 100 different channels are much easier to market narrowly than one giant site that has all the videos. The more random your collection, the more you start looking like a porn tube. TeamSkeet really like making specific videos under a passion that appeals to a specific type of fapper. To that end, you’ve got channels like TheRealWorkout. I’ve never actually heard any single human male say that they’re a diehard fan of workout porn, but I guess when you’re hard, alone, at night, you have the motivation to get ultra-specific with your fap demands. This fetish, and I use that term very loosely, centers around the gym workout session environment for babes, with dudes that make their way into the action one way or another. This shit’s very similar to the yoga porn smut I’ve been reviewing recently, but with a slightly narrower focus on sweating and stretching. All the potential for hot smut is there.
Simple but Gorgeous
The main theme behind TheRealWorkout is centered around female gym time, i.e., it matters what the girls do. The boys could role-play as trainers, gym goers, boyfriends and even janitors. It hardly matters. The girls are the focal point. Fashion keeps evolving, but one concept of female clothing seems to be written in stone at this point – there must be yoga pants. I’ve been going to the gym for over two decades now and every time I return, I just see more yoga pants. I remember a time when women used to get really original with their outfits, especially when they were working out. Alas, we have reached a point where every woman insists on having the outlines of her genital in full view of every person within her zip code. And… why am I complaining about this? This is awesome!
The general setup here really lends itself to wonderful porn and the people doing the fucking don’t have to try hard to stick out. They don’t have to do much of anything. They just have to enjoy themselves and let the cameraman do all the hard work. It’s pretty damn impossible to fuck this up. The girls that work with TeamSkeet are perfect, the cameramen clearly know what they’re doing and the director, well, whoever he is he’s doing a bang-up job.
For All Audiences
Yes, this smut was made with straight men in mind as the intended audience, but I would argue that this is the kind of smut that everyone can enjoy on account of how vanilla it is. I mean that in the modern sense – of course there’s hardcore anal sex with multiple penetration and a lot of spit and cum. That’s the new vanilla. Plus, all the babes are young and taut and all the dudes are muscular and cool. Some of them have goofy faces, on occasion, but for the most part you’re seeing really classy porn. These are the best of the best people that porn has to offer, not counting triple-A pornstars that were scooped up by the most successful monopolies in western porn. They’re off limits I’m afraid.
Still, this is western porn featuring some of the hottest women from around the globe, though most of them are American. This works just fine in providing ample diversity. America is a melting pot. These girls come in all shapes, sizes and colors, except fat. There are no fat chicks here, thankfully. No shade on fat chicks, but come on, do some squats or something. It’ll do you a lot more good than it’ll do me and you’ll be nicer to look at.
Simple and Straightforward
Not every porn site has to be the new Assylum. Sometimes it’s nice to just enjoy a bunch of smut that’s normal across the board and offers countless videos that are all guaranteed to land well with any viewer. I know I’m making this shit sound mundane, but in the wake of all the other sites that I’ve reviewed here, well, it’s a bit of a plain serving. It’s also a huge serving. It’s kind of like having a lifetime supply of really good bread. Sure, it’s plain and simple and pales in comparison to a burger, but bread is life. It’s a staple. We need staples in porn as well. TeamSkeet’s content ranges from vanilla to orgies with a lot of subtle fetishism like babes in hijabs and people pretending they’re related. They even have a site that specializes in sex with shoplifters. On the one hand, this is a lot of variety, on the other, this shit’s plain as all hell. I’ll take it.
I have to point out that TheRealWorkout features a ridiculous number of blowjobs, on top of all the anal and vaginal sex. I love blowjobs in porn, especially when they’re framed well. The dudes behind TheRealWorkout really know how to direct these scenes and the girls certainly know how to inhale gigantic penises. I am a bit disappointed, however, in the lack of cum play. I know it’s not a popular part of TeamSkeet’s repertoire, but come the fuck on. If these babes are going to suck a giant cock for the better part of an hour, they might as well do some cum swaps or at the very least show a nice and up-close scene of them swallowing the load. I’m seeing a lot of missed potential, but it’s all in line with what the public expects, I guess. TeamSkeet have proven time and time again that the average fapper adores this kind of content. TheRealWorkout is no exception.
Confusing Pricing
I’m almost certain I’ve figured out how the payment tiers work on TheRealWorkout, but I don’t like how strangely they’ve listed everything. This site is part of a network, so naturally you can sign-up to the whole net work instead of the site itself. But what I don’t get is which of these tiers applies to what. Check this out:
There’s a 6-month and a 1-month membership tier at $100 and $30. These auto-renew after they’ve run out so keep an eye out for that. There’s also a 1-day membership that only costs $1, but it auto-renews into a 30-day membership at $40, which is more expensive than a regular membership would be directly. Seriously, don’t accidentally screw yourself. TeamSkeet might be a reputable porn site, but these kinds of porn subscription methods are fucking annoying.
This is all well and good, but there’s also a yearly subscription that costs $450 a year. This one rebills after expiry as well. They say that this tier, called the TeamSkeet premium tier, will give you access to all premium features across all of the sites on the network. What about the regular tiers then? Do they only net you access to TheRealWorkout? If that’s the case then they should at least make it clear what you’re getting in your package. How many videos are there across all of TheRealWorkout? How many videos do they upload every week? This information is lost to the wind, I’m afraid. They boast all about TeamSkeet in general, but when it comes to specific channels on their network, you’re expected to take a stab in the dark.
It’s Great. It Could Be Better
TheRealWorkout lacks transparency. They offer a huge abundance of quality pornography and that’s all well and good, but I need to see a bit more clarity regarding what I can expect to see within the subscription, before I sign up. I guess that’s what the 1-day membership is for, but why the fuck are they renewing it at a higher price, for 30-days? It’s almost like they’re punishing you for paying them money to sample the site.
I don’t like this approach to premium porn. TeamSkeet are riding the wave of being one of the best porn networks out there, so they get away with shitty payment tiers like this. Then again, their porn is truly among the best in the business, so it’s on you to decide whether it’s all worth the hassle.
Original concept
Oral, Anal, Vaginal
Hot young babes
Excellent camera angles
High resolutions
Convoluted payment tiers
No free previews
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