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Reddit RandomActsOfPegging
A lot of dudes are letting women pop their anal cherries nowadays, as pegging is becoming ever more prevalent in this modern day and age, and that’s both surprising and somewhat unsurprising. The unsurprising part is simple; society has slowly but surely become more accepting and open toward sex and sexuality as a whole, and nowadays you can’t even make a gay joke on the internet without putting yourself at risk of being canceled. But just how and why did society evolve into this all-knowing, overly-sexualized modern-day version of Babylon it is today?
Well, that’s the surprising part, and here’s an example to explain; it’s safe to say that during the 2000s, there used to be lots of homophobic people around, most of whom were men, and in just a little over a decade, millions of those homophobic people have done a 180 and completely changed their stance on lots of topics that are within the realm of sex and sexuality, including gay people, experimentation in the bedroom, and pegging among other things. That’s quite the speedy and drastic transition, especially when you consider the fact that this global change affected tens if not hundreds of millions of people who have by now completely embraced things and ideas regarding sex and sexuality that at one point in time evoked an extreme emotional reaction from them - and it didn’t take too long for this change to happen either, as it was only a matter of ten or so years.
But what was the catalyst for this drastic societal shift in the first place, and what does it have to do with pegging? Honestly, like most things, it’s mostly the media’s fault that people, especially younger Gen Z youths, are so incredibly, overly-sexualized these days, and know everything there is to know about pegging and whatnot before they turn 20. By now, we’ve been steadily living in a smartphone-dominated world for at least a decade, switching back and forth between demonic online apps that prey on our very identity and use all sorts of anxiety-inducing tactics to get us to spend money on marketed products.
Moreover, these demonic such as Instagram, TikTok, and others also constantly showcase impossibly attractive people to their users by literally shoving them in their faces without even being asked to, so really it’s no surprise why many people, especially Gen Z youths, are so overly sexualized, and as a result, are so open and accepting towards things like pegging, something that would’ve been outright ostracized by the Millenials that came before them. So, with all that having been said, whether you like living in the world today or if you daydream about a simpler time in the past, one thing’s for sure; pegging is here to stay, and proof of that is /r/RandomActsOfPegging here, an NSFW sub that’s been around since late 2014 and acts as a global pegging-themed dating app.
This Sub’s Community Is Globally Settled All Across The Westen World’s Busiest Major Cities
/r/RandomActsOfPegging is certainly not a subreddit to be underestimated, and that’s because it facilitates pegging for people living all across the world, hooking up countless strangers with other strangers, tourists, interested parties, anal cherry virgins, and whatnot. From Australia to the UK, from Canada to the US, this sub is full of posts that mention major cities, countries, states, and regions in their respective titles.
Major Western metropolises like Toronto, Los Angeles, London, Houston, Sydney, and so on can commonly be found on this sub’s top posts, and there are also a fair few relevant entries here that include the names of entire countries, states, and regions in their titles as well, like for example Ireland, New South Wales, New Hampshire, California, Normandy, and others. That said, if you live in a Western and/or developed country, and if you’re looking to peg or get pegged, then you should definitely take a snoop through the posts here and see if there are any worthwhile prospects worth looking into.
And Most Of Them Are Dudes Looking To Have Their Very First Pegging Experience
There are tons of posts here that contain the flair “M4F” or “M 4 Any” in their respective titles, meaning that they’re posted by guys who are looking for their first pegging experience (whether that be them doing the pegging or them receiving the pegging remains to be seen in the actual post itself). The “M4F” posts are made by guys specifically looking to peg or get pegged by females, whereas the posts that contain “M 4 Any” in their titles are made by guys who are just simply looking to peg or get pegged by anyone, regardless if it’s a woman, another dude, or a trans person.
To be more specific, when it comes to these man-made posts, it’s safe to say that about two-thirds so of all the most popular and relevant posts here on /r/RandomActsOfPegging are these sorts of posts that consist of dudes looking to get pegged or do the pegging, and this means that roughly two out of every three or so posts here are bound to be these sorts of “M4F” or “M 4 Any” posts. However, that does actually leave a little bit of room for posts that aren’t made by guys looking to peg or get pegged…
With A Few Trans People Or Ladies Here And There Looking To Drill Some Dude’s Butthole
So, /r/RandomActsOfPegging here isn’t all just men looking to get pegged by dom mommies, in fact, this sub also sees its fair share of entries made by female as well as trans Redditors who are actively looking to find their next pegging victim. To be more accurate, it seems that at least one in every three or so posts on this subreddit is pretty much bound to contain the “F4M” or “F 4 Any” flair in its title, which means that they’re posts made by women who are offering their pegging services to this sub’s community.
Now, it’s safe to say that most of these aforementioned posts are made by women who are looking to do the pegging, but it’s entirely possible that an odd few of these posts are made by women who are looking to get pegged. More specifically, anyone who cares to read through these aforementioned posts will likely find out that at least a third of them are made by women who are looking to get pegged by other women or other trans people, and sometimes there are women on here looking to get pegged by a man, which apparently makes all the difference to them since in that case, the man would be using a sex toy instead of his own penis. But with all that having been covered, if you’re interested in focusing on this sub’s more feminine side, then you’ll be glad to know that roughly a third or so of all the posts here on /r/RandomActsOfPegging are uploaded by women.
Use The Local Post Filtering Tools To See All The Most Relevant Posts Here
One of the easiest ways to effectively sift through this sub’s most relevant posts is to simply take advantage of the local post filtering options. These options are Reddit’s most reliable and consistent post filtering tool, and the way they work is very simple; the three different settings they offer can be toggled off and on, and all three of those settings enable posts to be arranged via three differnet metrics, which are current popularity (Hot), overall popularity (Top) and recent upload date (New). With these post filtering tools at hand, anyone can get the most out of /r/RandomActsOfPegging’s posts - you don’t even need a Reddit profile to use them.
And The Mobile Reddit App Does A Great Job At Accessing This Subreddit Quickly And Easily On Smartphone
The Reddit app is a must-have for any caliber of Reddit fans or just general Reddit users out there who’d like to quickly and efficiently access subreddits from their smartphones. The app itself is incredibly easy to use and costs nothing to download off the app store. Moreover, it’s extremely simple to use and offers processing speeds and a user experience that’s far better than that of its mobile website app, which comes off as rather cursed in comparison.
This sub has users who post from all over the world
There are a decent number of posts here made by women
The local flair filters here are very useful when it comes to sifting through this sub’s content
There is no actual content on this sub
Over two-thirds of the posts here are uploaded by men
This sub would’ve fared better if it had more flair filters
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