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iWank Horror
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my absolute pleasure to introduce Iwank’s horror porn section to you all. This place is an absolute wonder of modern pornography and I’ll just say it right now, I’m giving this bad boy all the stars and all the praise. I’m a very simple man with a tendency towards extreme opinions and hyperbole. Therefore, you will most definitely find me either worshipping or completely lambasting and in this case, Iwank’s horror section has earned the right to have me verbally sucking them off. They’re amazing, ok? It’s not even entirely their success. There’s happenstance involved.
You see, Iwank is just an aggregate porn tube. They show you video thumbnails, you click on them and you end up on another site, watching said video for free. Along the way you might have to look at a couple of ads that you really didn’t ask for and there might be an annoying reroute or two, but for the most part, you get exactly what you clicked for and you don’t pay for it. This is a fantastic business model. Iwank gets to offer free videos and the sites that host and offer them are getting free exposure. Everyone’s a winner.
But, none of this is why I’m so excited and throwing around praise. We need to talk about horror porn.
Spooky Scary Orgasms
What was once a silly fad that no-one really took seriously has now evolved significantly. Horror porn is no longer just a topic or a theme. It’s a fucking industry. So many studios across the world are doing fantastic work to improve this fetish so that people can fap to some scary storylines and general depravity. Most of the smut is either American or East European, but everyone’s welcome to push the envelope further at all times. Both the east and the west are doing a fantastic job at this smut, though.
The common thread these days for horror porn is an expensive indulgence in the costumes, environments and general expositional elements of the smut. Unlike the way horror porn used to be done in the past, these days it’s common to see porn actors and actresses in full horror getups that very much match the levels of quality that you’d expect to see in actual Hollywood horror productions. You can imagine why this has me all excited and shit. It’s expensive, it’s rare and it takes a lot of hard work to pull off properly. Somehow, these sites pull it off. Iwank is loaded with fap-worthy videos.
Iwank Needs to Clutch Harder
So far, Iwank has been doing a decent job at filtering the content on their pages, especially when it comes to the horror smut. I can safely say that almost all of the smut on here is perfectly appropriate for the horror tag. Unfortunately, there is the occasional video that either accidentally or intentionally skirts the rules and ends up here without having anything to do with horror. Unfortunately, Iwank uses an automated sorting system, so the videos have a sort of natural way of drifting in this direction, and sometimes this is done intentionally for exposure.
Still, in comparison to other genres, horror porn is pretty damn clean and on point on Iwank. Most videos are absolute winners and the prevalence of high quality horror makeup, costumes and general direction cannot be understated. Behind every single one of these videos there is some talented, smart and hardworking director pushing these extremely talented women towards amazing performances. I’m seeing shit that absolutely blows my mind. Some of these babes do a better job at their horror roles than professional actresses on the big screen. Truly unbelievable smut.
All Kinds of Stories
I’m just going to pick a video out of hat here as an example, to try and give you a taste of what to expect. There’s a clip on here that features five babes in prison. They look like they’ve been through hell and back. They’re naked and extremely filthy. One of them clearly had her head shaved by someone who did not give a shit. I’m guessing this was some sort of prison punishment or whatever. All five of these girls look like they’re extremely miserable. If I didn’t know better, I’d think that they’re actual prisoners.
Anyways, they start off just sort of generally suffering and being cold, then the guards, both male and female, start to torture them sexually. There’s all kinds of fucked up domination going on. The girls get treated like absolute shit and they very much don’t have any other choice. This is fantastic smut for anyone who likes watching sexual subjects in extreme suffering. There’s also a huge overlap with BDSM plays I guess.
But what about the horror? What does any of this have to do with horror? Well…
The Horror Umbrella
Ever since horror movies were invented, there has been a bit of a general misunderstanding between people regarding the true nature and purpose of horror movies. Are they meant to scare you or disgust you? Are jump scares the best part or are they cheap? Is psychological torment superior to visual disgust? And of course, why are monsters so common in horror movies? Aren’t humans the real monsters? There are no answers to these questions. Horror is an unfortunately wide genre. Hell, when it comes to expositional themes, it’s one of the widest types of genres. You never know what you’re going to get.
In the world of porn, the formula is slightly narrower, but you’re still playing a form of lottery. You know that there’s going to be nudity and someone is going to have sex with a woman, since this is a straight site and all. Beyond that, your guess is as good as mine. You might see a bitch dressed up as a monster, pretending she’s completely out of control and starved for human flesh. Or, she might be a terrifying walking corpse, back from the dead in order to exact vengeance upon her killers. Whatever the setup, the punchline’s the same – women get cock. They also often eat pussy. This is a fantastic dice roll. You’re always surprised, and yet, you always know what’s coming. Talk about a fantastic way to fap, am I right?
Perfect Source of Smut
The fact that Iwank pulls in content from countless other websites really comes in clutch here. It can be really difficult to get this much high quality mainstream pornography in one place. It’s almost impossible to get this kind of smut for free. Thankfully, Iwank comes to the rescue with countless videos across the same fucking genre and almost every single one of them is worth watching. Sure, it’s kind of hard to fap to websites that feature redirects and pop up ads, but it’s not complicated enough to complain about. You’re getting free primo smut. A ton of the videos I checked out were even available in 1080p. I half expected the site to ask me to sign up for a paid subscription when I pressed the button, but this did not happen. The video just switched to full HD and I kept on fapping. I’m blown away by how far we’ve come.
I could easily recommend this site to you both if you’re a horror porn sex freak and if you’re an Average Joe, because this smut is inherently perfect. Sure, some videos here and there overdo the disgust angle, so you might need to give them a pass, but for the most part, you’re looking at amazing babes doing a fantastic job at either scaring or being scared. And, they all know how to handle cock, that is, unless they’re eating pussy. You’ve got nothing to complain about, my friend.
Infinite Supply
Some of the videos on Iwank’s horror section are a bit older, others are fresh, but they all share the same vibe. As horror porn is created, out there, by various companies, some clips end up here and they remain forever, essentially. Iwank isn’t exactly going anywhere. You’re currently looking at an accumulated 7100 videos. That number will continue to rise steadily. But, at an average video length of about 10 minutes, multiplied by 7100, carry the one, that comes down to … an extreme fuckton of quality smut for you to enjoy. There’s no way you’re going to watch all of these videos in one lifetime. Don’t lie to yourself.
Dive the fuck in and check out these disgusting and often quite terrifying videos featuring all kinds of destructive plays from kidnapping to imprisonment and even some pretend combat. These bitches get all kinds of riled up, depending on whether they’re playing victim or aggressor.
High quality productions
Extreme devotion to the fetish
Many different studios
All free to watch
Destination site ads
Some random unrelated vids
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