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Box Truck Sex
What's next, just randomly having sex in the middle of the streets? I mean, I've seen plenty of kinky things in my life just due to the undeniable fact that I have the best job in the world... Well, if I was honest, the best job would be if I was a rich pornstar with exotic and obviously expensive habits, love for white Bengal tigers, podcasts with Joe Rogan, all that environmental shit and stuff, but you catch my drift. Where was I? Rogan DMTd my ass for a second there. Oh right, public sex! has taken this public sex thing too far if you ask me! Yup, that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
They got this concept where they use, or rather, abuse the divine technology of one-sided windows, get sexy models inside this truck, specifically made for sex and bang the girls for money - before the whole world to see! Well, if you consider Europe the whole world. But once they upload the content, THEN the whole world will see it. Anyway, what made me say that they took it too far was the fact that my Superman schlonger got so rigid that he started to hurt! No one is going to inflict pain to my Lil' Sup unless they get my permission OR unless it was me who had a one-on-one talk with the Boss.
The allure of the site and the whole concept lies in the option of getting caught. I'd know. It's the reverse voyeurism that the producers came up with. It's exhibitionism at its finest, but it's safe. Kind of like a roller coaster but with sex. It's safe. You get the thrill from the danger of it all, but you know you are going on another ride once those churros in your stomach settle down. Well, this is what brings to the table. Safety, but with danger.
A combination of premium features with flea market feel to it
Now, before I go into the site's actual content, I have to address the small things that got on my nerves. So much so, that I had to go out on my balcony, light a cig and just yell at the passers to let some steam off. There was a gridlock that happened on my street, people started yelling, and I had to intervene. Damn tourists, thinking they own my city! Not on my watch! The same goes for when you get deep into the pages, you can instantly see mistakes.
On the DVDs section of the site, you are still able to see notifications like 'Warning: A non-numeric value encountered on line 100'. C'mooon! You kidding me?! Lord knows how long has this been there for the world to see. Immediately I started looking for mistakes like these and lo and behold, I found them. I mean, I am the notorious porn dude after all. Nothing goes past me! These things are a huge no-no, regardless of their content giving me a strong hard-on. Shiiiiieeet!
So, the other mistake I found will be just a mention and then I will get to the good parts of the site. Mainly because my mood changed for the better after that cig was smoked and the fact that once I put out the cig, I managed to flick it in one of the tourists' open rucksacks! Kobe! I swear, it landed perfectly in that idiot's bag who let it hang open like that. Doesn't he know that cigs can be randomly thrown into them! What an idiot!
The model pictures are not updated. That's where I was going with this rant. Most of them are perfectly edited, but there are some that aren't and you even get the obvious "Image not available". Really? You are a premium site, get your editors to do their god damn job, as my fellow Italians say - pronto!
Original idea that will be very hard to emulate
So when I said that has premium features I meant that it is a premium-worthy site. The actual content of the videos is slamming! As I said, Superman down under agrees with me, so why shouldn't you? The whole idea is that they have this truck with one-sided windows where the people on the outside can't see what's going on inside. And you know what's taking place inside. Dirty stuff your mother wouldn't approve of. They are having s.e.x. Raw, filthy, and paid. Yes, that's the second hook to the videos. The models are getting paid to have sex with the dudes on boxtrucksex.
They are taking girls off the streets. When I say off the streets, the people on are trying to be all over Europe, but so far they managed to go to Barcelona, Paris, Prague, and Bootypest. Once they take the girls off the streets, they get them into the truck, chat them up and start with the money offering. "Hey honey, will you show me your boobs for 1000 CZK?" I don't know how much money they are offering I'm just assuming it's 1000, I've never been to Czechoslovakia. Did they split up, asking for a friend?
The selection of the babes is decent. I mean, to satisfy me, you need to pull some David Blaine shit for me to be approving. Considering that these guys had to make a truck and go through all the hassle over Europe, the selection of models is like I mentioned, decent. Sure, there are a couple, like Kesha Ortega and such, but it's not about the models, it's about the thrill of it all. I still can't believe the whole concept behind it. There's a giant titty girl getting cum splattered by a big cock guy and in the background, you can see grannies walk to the market to get bread and groceries to cook up noon lunch for their grandchildren. So fucked up. But...for some twisted reason, Lil' Superman approves. I'm just the messenger.
You just have to appreciate the effort put behind a production like this one
I had to check out one little thing before I went to see how much for a site like this. Prices are going to be mentioned, just be patient. Their whole production got me thinking. They have to have people roaming around the streets. That's the gist of it all. So, I was wondering. Did they film during the dreaded Corona times when the whole world was locked up, jerking off, taking courses, fucking, making Corona babies?
Well, just as I assumed, they had to take a hiatus during that time. A short one at that. The last video they made before the shitshow that the world had to go through was on March of 2020. The next one was already done in May, then April and then in August. Three videos. You gotta give it to them. These bastards really deserve hats off for the energy and the dedication that they are pouring into production like this one.
How much for a voyeur fest like this one and the final verdict
They are not greedy at all. I would be. Why not. It's not every day that you get to pay women to fuck them in a kinky Batmobile like this one. They are charging the standard $99.90 for 6 months with a 50% discount, one month is just $29.95. C'mon. That's a freebie. Where's my card and where do I sign up. They are accepting all the major cards and if you want to spend your online money they accept Paypal. These fuckers thought of everything. Yo Superman, signing up? That was a hypothetical. What's my Paypal password?
When all said and done, when you take a look at the content, the number of videos, the DVDs, regardless of the page needing some ironing out, the pictures that you can download, the videos that you can put on your hard drive for later jacking off sessions, you are getting one heck of a deal. Like I said at the beginning, went too far and I'm sticking to it. Sticking with my jizz all over my already nasty keyboard that is. This is by far one of the most original concepts that I've seen in years and one must appreciate the idea behind it since lately, porn is unfortunately swamped with washed-out ideas like stepmom porn and family swap type content. Euro porn is on the rise and so is my Clark Kent once again.
The originality of the idea
The effort behind the filming is mind blowing
Layout easy on the eyes
Errors on some of the pages
Some of the videos don't have previews
At times it can leave the feeling of a cheaply made site
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