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Czech Massage
Before I even entered this site I had to chub up and free my willy because I saw this site before and I loved it! Now, this is not going to be a one-sided review based on my previous impressions however, it just might. I don't give a fuck my bro, I'm TPD I can do whatever the fuck I want and you have the right to love it or hate it. Regardless, I'm getting paid, so fuck off! is a Czechoslovakian site out there from European countries, the eastern block and boy can they fuck. Slippery massages, aroused clientele, and masseuses with big cocks fucking them. What else would you want?
I know it's the Czech Republic, I was only Czecking your overall knowledge to see if you were going to get triggered. You nerd! It would be better if you took a look at and clicked on some of their videos because, my God, they are magnificent. I saw some of these a while ago and they got my blood pumping. It is the rawness of it all and the selection of the models. If you are a sex freak like me and you kind of like to be a voyeur at times, then, by all means, check out the content that brings to the table.
Content, it is all about the content that they have
Raw. That's the word that I'm looking for when I’m trying to explain what is all about. The first time I entered their videos I was kind of unimpressed because at that time there were all these Nuru massage videos roaming around and they were so damn hot. Just now, when I remember them I can easily get a boner. That goop and the selection of the models... But, not to get sidetracked from, they have something different that not many production companies have.
The first thing that you will notice is that the videos are kind of amateurish looking. That threw me off too so I was kind of skeptical as to who would want to check out these videos. On top of it all, they were in Czech. I didn't know it was Czech I thought it was some gibberish language that these ladies made up because they were so cooked that they couldn't even muster proper words from all the fucking and the cumming that they went through. Well, that's when I got hooked. I got hooked like a crack whore on the pipe who is ready to suck a dirty cock for one lousy hit. Yup, that was me. Your one and only finally got hooked on something and it wasn't pussy this time. It was a production house coming out of Czechoslovenia.
Amateurish spy cam vibe combined with the real sex vibrancy
Once you start watching these videos one thing will become apparent. These ladies are actually cumming and they are cumming hard. You can feel the tension in the air when they walk into the massage room. Now, I couldn't tell if these were real women or paid actresses but as you should know by now, they are all paid. Unless they are amateurs, real homemade amateurs, they are paid, have signed contracts, will not sue if things go sideways, and all the jazz. But, even I got fooled. The sex was so real that the excitement these babes got translated over the monitor and straight into my erect Megazord II. That's my new name for my dick, Megazord II. Megasword sounds too obvious.
This is the plotline. Random women come in for a massage, enter the changing room all along being filmed by spy cams positioned all over the place. Once naked, they get on the massage table for a very hot and sensual massage. Once there, naked and excited it's very easy to transition to sex. But once it happens, it's very real and raw. Probably because these actresses are not pros and they knew the overall picture but once it all got rolling, they got hot and bothered so much so that it translated well onto the videos. This is why Czech production is becoming one, if not the strongest one in Europe right now. They understand all the nuances that need to be in place for a video to be steamy hot and marketable. I got aroused just by writing about their plotline, damn! Megazord II needs some pussy.
Some aspects need to get updated fast
What I mean by updated is that the site has some stature. It is not that old of a site but it can get some video updates and it can get a revamp. As it stands now, it looks like a site that made its claim to fame and never moved on from the initial layout. Visuals are everything, part of the brand, and they just don't have a visual identity. This is why they need to do a revamp of the site. The videos are top-notch quality and they should stay as they are but even after almost 400+ videos, it is hard to keep your porn audience interested long enough, when you have videos that are recorded via spy cam from a few angles.
I am not a nerd. Never was, never will be. But I am a modern man living in modern times. I want my porn when I want my porn but when I see that my video, a short one at that is being downloaded 6MB per second, I am ready to take my whole computer to the trash yard and just pummel it with a sledgehammer. I know that it is not my computer's fault but someone needs to be responsible for this slow-ass time and I'm not the kind of a guy who is going to be writing angry letters to Czech bots. has slow download time, period.
Access to additional content gives access to the whole family
When I said that Czechs are doing it the way it is supposed to be done, I meant it. This is one cool ass site, one that I jacked off regularly too. But I must admit, there was something that I didn't know besides that women could orgasm just by rubbing on their nipples. It was that once you subscribed via CCBill, you get to become a member of the whole Czech AV family. I was like, yeah sure whatever. I have my own family and I am not all that fond of them, let alone some Czechoslavian family. Oh how wrong was I!
There are 30+ sites that you become a part of and they all rock just like There are all these elaborate theme-inspired sites that all feature Czech women who seem like amateurs. They are fucked in all kinds of weird and kinky yet exciting and arousing ways. Arousing for men to be exact. There is this one called CzechFantasy where women are placed in huge gloryholes and just their pussies are exposed for the men to fuck them without seeing their faces. Kinky, very kinky and chauvinistic, just the way I like it.
There is this CzechOrgasm site where the whole time the focus is on the woman's face as she is masturbating, reaching her orgasm. It is super exciting to just watch a woman cum and there’s no explicitness, just pure facial expressions of a woman reaching her bliss. I guess TPD is evolving into some Buddha-like sex guru. After all these years, I was wondering when the time will come when I start levitating once I start masturbating just by using the sheer power of my mind. So divine, so woke. Anywho, for $99.95 a year, you are getting a steal my friend. Go get it now!
When all said and done is a must! I'm becoming a member that's for sure. These people are doing their job the right way. They know exactly what kind of content to put out and they are putting effort and creativity behind it. I myself am a creative soul. This one time, during winter, I drew a dick in the snow while I was pissing, freezing my balls off. Picasso couldn't do that, I managed to outdo that pussy ass hack of an artist. Sexy and aroused Czech babes are unknowingly being filmed as they are oiled up, massaged, and fucked by a big cock hunk. Yes please, and bring something for the desert.
The videos are raw as they could be
Girls having sex seem like they might be civilians
Arousal levels are through the roof
The layout is outdated
Need more content besides the videos
Slow download speed
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