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PornTrex BDSM
There are as many variants of fetishes as there are human beings on planet Earth. The human capacity for imagining new ways to fuck each other is limitless. Humans have never applied their creativity to a task with such dedication. As much as we like to think our brains are in control, it's the cock doing all the heavy lifting around here, and that's fine with me.
BDSM is one of the largest fetish categories, and BDSM has as many subcategories as pi has numbers. We have all tied a bitch down and spanked her, but that's just BDSM 101. If you want to graduate to higher classes, you have to go harder than that.
Fido is a Slut
One of my favorite ways to go about that is owner-pet play. Owner-pet play is characterized by one person being in charge and the other completely submissive, like a dog. This type of play often includes leashes, collars, and food dishes.
Pet play is a type of BDSM that often travels outside of the bedroom. Some couples live the owner-pet lifestyle twenty-four seven. At that point, a bitch is literally a dog. (Pun intended.) As you can imagine, the people living that lifestyle are a bit broken. You know, just like you fucks. I don't think there's a single owner amongst my readership. You are definitely a bunch of submissive pets. What am I saying? You guys don't fuck bitches. You beat off to them.
I think many of my readers would be into impact play if women ever wanted to fuck them. How do I know this? Well, because I know there are tons of pro wrestling fans amongst my readership. If you're a WWE fan and have never watched pro wrestling porn, you are fucking up big time. It combines two of your favorite things: soap operas and naked bitches.
Back in the nineties, wrestling corporations knew how closely sex and wrestling could be related. So they would host bikini contests, and every now and again, a nipple would show up in a hardcore match.
Things have changed significantly in the last thirty years, and pussydom has taken the WWE by storm. You're more likely to see a dude read the bible than catch some areola, which means the good shit has moved to porn sites. And that's alright with me. I prefer fucking over a nip-slip any day.
Impact play doesn't have to be as extreme as fake fighting. It can also include spanking, paddling, kicking, or body slamming onto the bed. Impact play is usually split into "thuddy" or "Stingy," with everyone having a preference. Communication is key to any BDSM experience. But you guys don't even need to know that because all your BDSM experiences happen on a screen.
Now, if you want to feel some pain but don't want to be put in a figure four leg lock, you can try wax play. Wax play is fairly self-explanatory. First, find yourself a high-quality, low temp candle. If you use a scented Yankee candle, you will burn the shit out of your partner. Emergency candles are a great inexpensive option, or you can head to your local sex shop and grab some purpose-built body candles.
Poopy Diapers
One of the more creepy forms of BDSM is age play. This is where one person regresses to an age of their choosing, and the other becomes a parent. Parents are referred to as bigs and the regressor as littles.
Depending on the age the little regresses to, they may like to be bathed, watch cartoons, read to, wear diapers, eat sugary cereal, or be brutally ass fucked into oblivion. This isn't a fetish for everyone, thank goodness, but those that participate are passionate, and it's another fetish that can be more of a lifestyle than a fetish.
On that note, it seems like a good time to mention that no matter what you're into, the BDSM section of Porntrex has it for you. Porntrex has been on the market for some time now. And that's allowed them to build a user-friendly site that anyone can have a good time on.
I love the way Porntrex has designed the place. They focus on ease of use so that visitors can focus on porn instead of finding shit. The main menu is displayed up top and has the options Home, a Search bar, Log in, Sign up, Videos, Categories, Models, Albums, Community, Channels, A link to your favorite porn reviewer, Live sex, Sex chat, Upload your videos, and a Day and night toggle.
You guys know how much I love those background toggles. They are perfect for my late-night marathon pocket pool sessions. The live sex and live chat selections are links to Chaturbate and Stripchat, respectively. And for all collectors out there who wish to spread the wealth, uploading your videos to the site is a quick and easy process you can do in minutes.
Too many websites don't include sub-filters. Unfortunately, that means that once you arrive at the BDSM section, you can't specify what you want to see any further. Porntrex isn't so stupid, though. The thumbnails on Porntrex can be filtered by Most relevant, Most recently released, Highest rated, length, most commented on, and most favorited.
Let's check out what the bitches on Porntrex are up to. After seeing the table that a bitch named Brooklyn gets strapped to in "BDSM XXX," I'll never feel safe again in a doctor's office. It's like a gyno exam table with extensions to strap down the arms also. Once locked down, Brooklyn is spread eagle and completely defenseless. Anything could happen to this bitch at any moment.
Lucky for this cunt, all this guy wants to do to her is cum torture her. He goes at that pussy with a series of increasingly stimulating objects, starting with his hands and ending with his cock. I was really hoping he would cream pie this cunt since she could never stop him, but he pulls out and busts on her stomach instead.
Mrs. Chokesondick
I personally love to breathe at all times, whether I'm having sex or not. Not everyone shares that sentiment, though, so breath play is a thing. It can be accomplished in many ways, but in "German Blond Breath Reduction Slave FemDom BDSM Session," a cellophane wrap is used in tandem with a gas mask.
The dude is fully contained in plastic wrap and laid down on a table. This German cunt is nice enough to leave a small gap where his cock can fit through. What is it about German bitches and torturing guys? We are so fortunate to have a country on this planet that pumps these cunts out like Ford model Ts.
Once he's secured, she puts a gas mask over his head with a tube on the mouthpiece long enough to reach his cock. Here is where the breath play truly begins. She uses the guy's cock to block the tube he is breathing through. How fucked up is that? Not only can he not breathe, but he's humiliated at the same time.
One of my least favorite forms of BDSM is cock and ball torture, aka CBT. My cock and balls have treated me well my whole life, and I prefer to return the favor than punish its kindness. Unfortunately, while most people would agree with me, not everyone does.
If you have never seen cock and ball torture, you don't understand how extreme these guys are willing to go. You probably imagine a little flicking and squeezing, but it goes way beyond that. These bitches are stepping on cocks, attaching electrodes to balls, and throwing full-bodied right crosses at the whole kit and kaboodle. It's fucking nuts. (Pun intended.)
I've seen blood pour out of dick tips, clothing pins with springs made out of unobtanium latch onto scrotums, and balls that look like they will fall out of the sack. You haven't heard a grown man scream until you've heard him scream while a bitch bites down on one of his testicles. What has this world cum too? Everything. That's what.
Porntrex has a wonderful selection of all variants of porn, but they took particular care to craft a top-notch BDSM category that would make even the most hardcore fucks weep. Not only is the content grade-A, but the web design is ideally suited for getting you where you need to go. You won't have to shuffle through the cock and ball tender loving care videos to get to the cock and ball torture page.
My only complaint about Porntrex is the timing of the pop-ups. They appear just as you're about to start watching a video. Even worse is that they pop up while you're scrubbing through the film. It can ruin a good stroke rhythm.
Cock and ball torture, anyone? How about choking on your own dick? Either way, you'll find all that and more at Porntrex.
Superb selection
Day and night mode toggle
Efficient content filter
Poorly timed pop-ups
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